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I went to my local natural foods store and spoke with someone who is specialized in healing the body with natural resources. He had researched POTS at my request and had come up with a few things that he was going to try out on me. First of all he was going to treat my POTS as if it had started from a virus. He's having me take 20 drops of Vit. A a day for ten days (because any more than that as he said it's toxic over that level...which is comforting :) ) something for my thyroid called ADR and fish oil because I had noticed that when I was on vacation on the beach I had eaten a ton of sea food and I actually felt better! I'll let you all know if this seems to make me better or worse. I think it's good to try out this kind of thing. I'm also trying Mannatech's glyconutrients which gave me more energy for a time. Any thoughts?


I'd just say to be careful with the Vit A!

I'm curious to hear about the glyconutrients. I had read about the mannatech and thought about it a while back but never purchased it, especially since it was not readily available through local merchants.

Good luck :)


Well from all the stories of how it's helped people I'd say I would try it for at least six months. For some people it helps within two weeks or less, for some it takes six months to a year. I'm trying it for six months. You can get it from their website www.mannatech.com .


Yes i agree with mon4cem becuase vitamen A is very bad for you if you get too much! However i do agree wiht you that trying new things is always a good idea when we are stuck in a rut like this, with no actual cure! Good luck, let us know how it goes!


please be careful with medical advice received at a health food store. you may want to read this: http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelate.../hfsadvice.html.

:) melissa

I was told by a health practioner that vit A at that dose should only be used for 3 days. You might want to research it more on the internet.

Thanks Sushi, I'll keep that in mind and i'll do more research. My mom is also on top of all this. :)


Hi Kate...be careful with the Vitamin A. The glyconutrients you want to take already have 100% of your daily value of Vitamin A in them. So I don't see the reason that you need to also do the drops...

Hi Kate...be careful with the Vitamin A. The glyconutrients you want to take already have 100% of your daily value of Vitamin A in them. So I don't see the reason that you need to also do the drops...

Thanks for the warning. I'll check into that. I'm so glad I have ya'll.

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