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Hi, everyone,

Just wondering: Since fixing my heart through ablation three weeks ago, the focus on my health now is my allergies. My allergist put me in the hospital--again--just for observation to start my allergy meds. I'm on a steroid for twelve days, to get things calmed down, Zantac and Allegra twice a day, which seem to rev up my POTS pretty well, Nexium and Singulair. I took only one Singulair, in the hospital, as I've heard that it has been connected to Churg Strauss as actually causing it. Has anyone heard this? How safe do you all think Singulair is? I don't want to trade one problem for another!



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I have also benefited from taking Singulair. It keeps me from wheezing and just helps all around allergy-wise. I've not heard about your specific concerns but it's always good to research.

Take care,


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I took Singulair for a few months when I was first at University (asthma flared up because I moved into a damp mouldy room in the halls of residence). At that time I didn't have POTS and the Singulair helped my asthma without causing any side-effects. I only took it for a short time as my asthma improved dramatically and I didn't need it any longer.

I'm currently having problems with hayfever yet again. The last 2 years I have ended up having to take Prednisolone all sommer to combat the symptoms. Having uncontrolled allergies makes my POTS much worse! I really want to avoid steroid tablets this year as the long term side-effects can be significant and because weaning off the steroids really causes my POTS to flare and it usually takes 4months of regular POTS flares to get off the prednisolone again.

I saw my GP yesterday and he has prescribed me singulair to take for my hayfever. I haven't had chance to get to a pharmacy yet so haven't taken any so far but am planning on starting it soon.


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