Maxine Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 My mouth is so dry. Does anyone know why this is so common with POTS/dysautonomia?I can be drinking water, and my mouth will by dry right after------------It's so weird that the water doesn't seem to help. My mouth is only wet while I'm drinking the water.It's more common for my mouth to be dry in the evening. It will get so dry in my sleep that it will wake me up. Maxine :0) Quote
Ernie Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 Hi,I have dry mouth and it is worst because I take salt pills. In my case I think it is a sign of dehydration. Quote
persephone Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 All the time. And I mean ALL the time. Quote
Rachel Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 It doesn't matter how much water I drink, my mouth is always dry too. Like you, Maxine, it wakes me up in the night. I drink from my water bottle at least 2 or 3 times a night. I don't know why my mouth is always dry despite trying to stay hydrated. Quote
Sophia3 Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 I have this all the time for YEARS!! somedays worse than others but always there...part of the ANS dysfunction that causes low saliva. Quote
DanniBunny Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 I have it on occasion, but its not constant. Sometimes it does get really bad, it has rarely on occasion woken me up at night. My mom (who has no diagnoisis of ANS problem, but servere dry mouth caused by medication) uses dry mouth toothpast, mouth wash, everything for oral hygience in a special dry mouth formula. She says it helps a lot. She also says drinking things with bubbles help, like tonic water or Coke (although the later isn't so good for your teeth!) Quote
Lukkychrm42 Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 I had this pretty badly, too.. drinking a liter of water and then still being parched, with a mouth that hurt from being so dry. Showing it to my doctors, they agreed that it was really dry- but drinking as much as I could while on a high sodium diet didn't help it at all, and I had to constantly chew gum or suck on throat lozenges or hard candy to stimulate the salive production. While it's still mildly dry lately, I have noticed a dramatic improvement since starting on DDAVP. I don't know if it's because I'm retaining water throughout my body or what, but while I still get thirsty, I don't need to drink constantly in order to soothe it, just maybe waking up in the middle of the night. Quote
Tanzanite Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 Yes, exactly the same. My tongue feels like it's all shrivelled up Quote
mattsmum Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Yes I have it too. In fact its what made my first specialist check for every type of diabetes under the sun because thats a sure symptom of it. Thankgod for florinef stopping me wanting to pee all the time from all the drink i take! Quote
Sushi Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 I also have dry mouth, and drinking only relieves it for a couple of minutes. But I also know that it is a side effect of several of the meds I am taking and suspect that is what is going on. At least it reminds me to keep drinking. Quote
Dawg Tired Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Yep, dry mouth! I am addicted.... to bottled water! Quote Posted May 18, 2007 Report Posted May 18, 2007 I also have dry mouth. has any one found that a high potassium diet helps? It's hard to stay on but it seems to help me.diagnosed with:Dysautonomiaclassic Pattern of neurocardiogenic syncope with orthostatic tachycardic syndromehyper-parasympathetic responsivenessmeds include:metroprolol 50 mgfludrocortisone 0.1 mgdiagnosed 1/06 Quote
MikeO Posted November 20, 2021 Report Posted November 20, 2021 Lately my dry mouth has stepped up a notch. During the day it is manageable but at night i have been routinely waking up at 2-3 am just parched. I will get up and drink as much as 40oz of water which seems to help but is disruptive. wondering if an over the counter dry mouth toothpaste or mouthwash before bed would help? Quote
jillmae Posted November 21, 2021 Report Posted November 21, 2021 I am extremely parched lately. I just tested positive for an ANA that includes Sojourns. I get my more specific ANA testing done in a couple weeks, but I am starting to suspect I might have the syndrome or disease. Quote
RecipeForDisaster Posted November 21, 2021 Report Posted November 21, 2021 I use Biotene tablets that stick to the side of the mouth at night. They don’t help completely, but release slowly, so I’ve found them worth using. I haven’t had a benefit from anything really working all night. Quote
Rexie Posted November 21, 2021 Report Posted November 21, 2021 Dry mouth and eyes seem to go hand-in-hand and are found in many people with POTS and other autonomic diseases and conditions. Both my mouth and eyes are often uncomfortably dry. Increasing the amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in my diet has helped and there is scientific evidence that this works. Hemp seeds are high in plant-based Omega 3 fatty acid as are walnuts. I use a hemp seed drink in my morning smoothie and try to eat a few walnuts as part of my regular diet. I also take a capsule or two of Slippery Elm herb which helps increase internal moisture, particularly in the digestive system, not so much for dry mouth and only a slight help for dry eyes. Slippery Elm does lessen the overall sensations of feeling dehydrated. I recently started using TheraTears 1200mg Omega 3 Supplement for Eye Nutrition, a product often recommended by ophthalmologists and other doctors – so far, so good (I space the three recommended capsules out over the day and take them with meals or a smoothie). TheraTears capsules contains all forms of Omega 3 fatty acids in the correct recommended daily requirement amount. Omega 3's are also good anti-inflammatories and have other health benefits. My dentist recommends Biotene which is of some help for dry mouth but I am not a big fan. I try to sleep on my side to help prevent open mouth breathing during sleep which is very dehydrating. Dry Eye Syndrome and Sicca Complex are Commonly Found in Patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Dave S Ho, Okeanis E Vaou, and Anna D Hohler, Clin Ophthalmol., Vol. 14, pp. 4015-4021; 2020 The Role of Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements in Ocular Surface Diseases, Marco Pellegrini et al, Nutrients, Vol. 12(4), pp. 952; 2020 The Effect of a Unique Omega-3 Supplement on Dry Mouth and Dry Eye in Sjögren’s Patients, A. Papas; M. Singh; M. Singh, ARVO Annual Meeting Abstract, May 2007 Quote
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