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Procedure Yesterday....

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Hi all,

I had my botox injections via endoscopic procedure yesterday.........I'm in a bit of discomfort today with my stomach and throat (I guess, according to the doc he found I have a "J shaped stomach", and said because of this, he had a hard time getting the distal site/sphincter to inject and this is why my throat hurts/stomach hurts.........i also had problems with vomiting after (they gave me way too much sedation, i guess, because i asked for more?? I cant remember asking for it though cuz they had already given me some prior to me asking for more, i guess??? LOL).....also had some problems with HR - my parents were in recovery with me and they said the monitor was displaying HR's everywhere.......... guess it could be from the sedation - never had a problem with HR's -- sedation/anesthesia before - not even after getting pots, so, that was new for me....

anyway, the doc said we'll know in three days if the botox was successful in helping the gastroparesis (i should start feeling less nauseous and hopefully be able to eat more/pack on some pounds)....he said if this doesnt work, they need to do gastric pacing as he is seeing way too much malnourishment/malabsorption/weight loss with me.....so I HOPE this works, dont want the pacer.....

just thought i'd fill you all in.

hope you all are hanging in there with your own daily physical struggles. keep hoping.

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Hi Angela,

Thanks for sharing. I'm glad to hear you made it through safely. I'm sorry to hear about the problems along the way, though.

So you asked for more sedation?!! That's funny! It is crazy the things that meds can make us do!

I hope the botox works for you. Let us know how things go.


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I'm certain the soreness will wear off over the next few days--and I'm hoping that you will see the result you were hoping for. Even though I share the gastro dx with you, I've not had problems with malnutrition for more than 10 years. Unfortunately, I now have problems losing weight.


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Nina, so sorry you are having problems now with your weight/eating......I will let you know next week if i see any improvements from the botox.....if so, perhaps, if your situation continues to get worse, maybe you could consider botox for possible treatment....

thank you all for your posts. i am glad you all care so much for me. uplifts me as i go through this. any time any of you need me (anything, advise, etc) dont hesitate to PM me.


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Goodness girlie,

I hope this works for you, If it does not and you need the pacer, let me know. I work with a girl who has one. She has POTS and has two pacers ( a heart one and a gastro one). She is a Respiratory Therapist and huge wealth of knowledge about all this. She told me what I had before I knew I had it and put me in touch with Dr Grubb.

I hope it works , though and you start eating big...Peanut butter will put some meat on those bones (hehehe).


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lol, susan, thanks for your message. i'll try the peanut butter! :o) these "bones" definitely need some meat!

wow, i cant believe the respiratory therapist you work with has BOTH a gastric and cardiac pacer! poor girl! BIONIC WOMAN?? i bet she has a good wit about her though? i think you kinda have to, to a point (especially with TWO pacers!), in order to move beyond your situation. laughter/humor definitely IS the best medicine - though sometimes, you need to be taken seriously, and NEED to be serious also. but definitely, laughter helps get through a lot of this.....and tears! a good dose of both works well for me! :o)

does the woman you work with, is her gastroparesis idiopathic or are they relating it to her pots? i know with some of my docs, some think my gastroparesis is related to my POTS/ehler danlos while others dont think any of it is related.....

..i'd LOVE to chat with your friend regarding gastric pacing (just in case it comes down to this...), if she is willing to chat, you can give her my email address -- cardiac_tec@hotmail.com

thanks for your care and concern!


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hi cardiac,

hope you are doing better and that this treatment will help you. i've been having weightproblems all my life (too skinny, like a lot of us) but it seems that that problem is solved now. like nina i'm gaining weight now, so that is good news. although it might not stop when i want it to?????

what do you think nina, could this be because of age (i'm 43 now)???????

take care cardiac!

corina :lol:

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Cardiactec--hope you're continuing to get better....

Corina, age could be part of it. At 42, I think my metabolism has changed dramatically; although, with working out at least 2x a week with the trainer, you'd think I'd have lost at least SOME weight... but I've actually gained a little.


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