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Severe Weakness Getting Worse/


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i was just wondering if weakness/loss of strength/ is a pots symptom of if it is somthing worse? I looked on the list of symptoms and didnt see it on there... do people loose strenght from not doing anything? :huh: when your dhea level is low what does that mean? could it be from stress? i know from what i read in anotehr post dhea is "up in the air" but what does that mean in someone my age

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thanks tessa,

i actually feel like i always do though i mean can a person be weak from not doing anything daily even though there still eating and drinking right?i get this thing at night when i sleeping and waking up kinda like little tiny internal spasms or lik e i can feel my blood moving through my veins like a slight shaky feeling i dont know how to explain it in words

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thanks tessa,

i actually feel like i always do though i mean can a person be weak from not doing anything daily even though there still eating and drinking right?i get this thing at night when i sleeping and waking up kinda like little tiny internal spasms or lik e i can feel my blood moving through my veins like a slight shaky feeling i dont know how to explain it in words

From my own experience I can tell you it can.

I have been that way for a very long time, I even lost weight...

At the end, I have been told that I am gluten and casein intolerant.

I have been eating gluten and casein and lactose all my life and it was bad for me. Besides, the amount of food I eat was not absorbed by my body, so I have been weak and tired...

Of course, I am sure there can be more reasons for feeling weak even while eating and drinking enough...

Never give up. Continue looking for a good specialist who can help you.

I hope you can feel better soon,

Take care,



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niki -

dhea levels can mean lots of things or not much at all so no one on the forum will be able to give an answer as to what it might (or might not) mean for you. and i believe you mentioned that your levels were just a little low, something that - with many tests - is something that can even change from test to test, i.e. in saying what is "normal" there is always going to be some grey area.

loss of strength & weakness can DEFINITELY occur from "doing nothing" even with good nutrition. obviously poor nutrition would make it worse but this weakness & loss of strength can be termed as deconditioning & while not the cause of POTS (or other dysautonomias) it can certainly make things much worse.

obviously there can be weakness & loss of strength that is more than "just" deconditioning such that you should mention your concerns to your doctor.

hope this helps,

:huh: melissa

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ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as lou gehrig's disease. it attacks nerve cells and has a poor prognosis with no known cure. google it for further info. sounds like you have pots more than anything, but i'm sure your doc will investigate further if need be.

take care.

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Check out this website for Lou Gehrig's Disease ALS. I really doubt you have this though.


I would ask for a blood test for myasthenia gravis. I'm positive for that though I do not show symptoms.

Myasthenia Gravis

It is possible that you have neither of the above and are low on potassium. Was that ever checked in you?

What meds are you on? Maybe you are reacting to a medicine or supplement you are taking?

I know how difficult it is when you have no idea what's going on.

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i looked it up and it doesnt looking to promising! i also have to take into account the fact the i have pots too and how that can be related to the weakness or what kind of things casue pots and weakness that would make sence since this just recently started happening after i got pots....:huh: geez this is depressing....i am also have bp changes and issues as you will read about in my new post (bp problem #2) ugghhh its like a constant issue

oh and im taking atenolol yasim bc pills and bromocriptine for the prolactin thing and a multivitamin/ lat time i was checked my potassium was ok

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I just uploaded it!

My blood pressure flatlines, but I speak from bitter experience when I say the less you get up and mvoe about, the worse you'll feel and the less you'll be ABLE to do it, too- what about a cane to help you steady yourself? Do you live with friends/family? could they lend an arm to prop you upright? It is definitely good to keep moving- any POTS Dr will tell you that.

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This may seem like a strange suggestion, but it is based on neurophysiology. Just watching people be active uses eye-to-muscle connections which provides a certain amount of muscle toning. Athletes watch video performances to train their performance neuromuscular pathways. With electrodes attached to quadriceps muscles, for example, people who watch downhill skiing will exercise their quads about 20% as much as if they were actually skiing -- according to a study I learned about.

So if you cannot move, or get PT, do some visualization or watching...


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ALS is very, very uncommon -- almost nonexistent -- in women under 35. The younger you are, the more likely you don't have it. I wouldn't even be thinking of this as a possibility.

I had severe weakness that progressed from the moment I developed POTS for the next three months. It finally peaked and then got a bit better, and has been on a plateau since then. I have been tested for all the muscle diseases and neuropathies, and my neuro found nothing abnormal. So in my case, the weakness was either part of the POTS or whatever other things I have going on in my body.

For the first two months of having the weakness, I would drop things constantly because my wrists were so weak, they would just collapse if I held something -- like a dish (I broke about a half-dozen dishes until I realized I needed to stay away from the dishwasher). I also would get that burning sensation in my arms if I held them up for more than 10 or 15 seconds -- the same kind of burning you get if your muscles are contracted in the same position for a really long time.

I would see a neurologist to explain your weakness and discuss any testing you might want done. You could also try physical therapy, which helped me a bit. There are lots of general strengthening exercises that you can do even if you aren't able to tolerate standing or moving around.

Also, have you experienced a big weight loss? That was part of my problem -- I was losing weight so fast that it was coming out of my muscle mass. If that's the case, you could have a metabolic issue going on as well -- although I got tested for all of those and didn't have one.


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hey thanks for giving me suggestions i appriceate it...i have seen 2 different neuros since this started in april the last time i had a neuro exam was in august and i passed...this weakness is new i had mono when i was 14 and its similar to that but not as bad/ like today i tried to go with my dad to buy a winter coat and i couldnt even look around i was so weak my legs felt really weak....but then as the day went on i gained a little strength ...somtimes its really bad others its not as bad, but i cant say i ever feel normal...as for the weight, at ist i lost alot of weight i was about 110lbs in the in august i was about 115 now im 124 so ive gained quite a bit of weight i am 5'4 in height/ i havent been active at all im sure thats part of it along with my pills maybe and sitting around all day...maybe i have chronic fatigue syndrome, although im sure sure if that makes you weak i know you are extremly tired,,,im going to my cardio on dec 1st im gonna mention this to him maybe **** do some tests , (lucky me ) lol more blood work i feel like im supplying all of massachsetts with blood .....

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