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Freaked Out..anyone Here


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Hi guys,

I feel like I am going to pass out...I got a call back from the endo on my voicemail today saying that they are still waiting for the results of what they suspect (tumor on adrenal glands) but she wants to call in a med to see if it helps me....I don't want to have any cancer or anything, not that anyone does, but I am freaking out and need someone...anyone....is anyone here right now? ;)

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Jacquie- I just got in from my gyno- I have a lump which is different from the many others I have (it itches), and my doctor thinks is normal, but we will do fine needle aspiration next week. So I sympathize with you. Try not to worry, it's a waste of energy (precious commodity).

No need to borrow tomorrow's troubles, today's are sufficient. ;) Hope you're feeling better, ellen

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hey hun,

i know it is hard to wait for the results without getting worked up.....try and listen to some soft, relaxing music if you can. i know it helps me sometimes.....

if it is pheochromocytoma, most always they are benign anyway and can easily be taken care of....so dont fret....

hang in there!!! praying for you!


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Phenochromacytomas (sp?) are extremely rare. Most endocrineologists only see one true case of a pheno in their career, if that. On top of that, Pheno's are not usualy malignant, meaning it isn't "cancer" as we generally think of the term.

I'm in a similar position right now where my doctors think I might have a tumor on my thymus. As people with a condition that's exaccerbated by stress, we have to stay as calm as possible, because getting upset will only cause us to feel worse.

I really feel bad for you, but try to keep in mind that it's very unlikely that you have a pheno. But if you do, you're going to be fine. You just have to get the surgery and get it removed ;)



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Guest danielvasel

i know exactly how you are feeling

last year my endocronogist said that it was possible that i had a tumor... ya wanna know where? in the brain!!!!!!

so I tried not to worry, forget about it, but it was impossible, all i did was think about it....

and it turned out to be nothing...

the best thing you can do is get information about your problem... you?ll probally find several alternative explanations(that your doctor doesn?t even know about) for it... and ya, that helps a lot!! it certaily can calm you down... that?s how it worked for me

I?d do some research for ya, but Ill leave very soon, and im not coming back till tomorrow

i wish the best for ya...


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*hugs* Waiting for test results is always the hardest part for me.

I've found a few simple that help with the anxiety though. Slow, deep, focused breathing helps. Daydreaming about a favorite vacation spot helps. Reciting childhood rhymes really helps me (Yes, it's pretty silly, but hey, it might work for you too!) Once a nurse noticed that I whispering my "abc"s during a painful procedure and admitted that she does the same thing sometimes.

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My doc called and I found out that they are still waiting for some of the tests (adrenal tumors) to come back. They do know that my body is producing too much histamine??? Does anyone know what that means??? They are calling back next week with the results...

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Guest Anne L

I'm here, too. How scary! Waiting for test results is the pits. Over the weekend,yet. I still recall crying all weekend waiting for test results for our son, age 9. Now I don't remember what tests or what for. I hope the same happens for you- that the results will be unmemorable.

I tell my hypochondriac daughter " Don't waste a worry". Easier said than done.

Prayers for you now and next week too..



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Hey Jacquie,

I'm here for You!

I had the same test years ago when my blood pressure was all over the map. They thought for sure I had the same thing. I researched back then and they are rare and almost always benign. My tests came back negative. Every time my BP goes bonkers I get the same reaction....'Have you ever been tested for phenochromocytoma?????.......' My blood pressure has hit 220/135 and then drops like a rock!!! Actually, at the time I even entertained the thought that having a removable benign tumour might have been better because it is surgically curable in 90% of cases. This disorder isn't. :)

Please research it Jacquie......knowledge is power and I think it may alleviate some of your fears...

Good luck and sending good wishes your way....


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histamine is released by mast cells in the body in response to certain allergen's -- if you have allergies to something, histamine is released in the bloodstream....that is only one cause, but usually the main cause.

hang in there!

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Just wanted to say thinking of you-- keep yourself distracted as much as possible while you are waiting. Some good movies, company anything to keep your mind somewhere else.

I have worried for months as I waited to see specialists to get answers to some pretty scary things and actually still don't have answers. The wait is awful, but hang in there.

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:lol: Hi Jacque,

I also have a tumor on my adrenal glands, on my right kidney, I was evaluated by an endo and another doctor and they told me that it was nothing to worry about, has nothing to do with my symptoms. Hang in there, the worst part is the waiting.


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Hi guys,

Thank you so much for all of your support. I knew this was the one place I could go....It stinks waiting, I would rather know what's wrong than keep waiting, but obv there are things in life we have no control over...Anyhow you guys made me feel ALOT calmer...I'll let you guys know how I make out next week!

Thanks again!


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Hey Jacquie,

Just wondering if you have any more info about your "suspect" pheo? I'm following your topic, my daughter is going through the same, her blood pressure is through the roof, 227/147, and that's on 3 different bp meds. Her urines and blood work have all come back with high catacolemine (sp) levels, with a negative on the adrenal scan (CAT). I have to schedule her for a full body scan with nuclear meds next week to see if source of her hypertension can be found. If it's not one thing, it's another....



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Hi Guys,

I still haven't heard anything...Hoping no news is good news...Angie let us know how your daughter makes out.

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hi jacqui,

for some reason, your post "slipped through". i hope you get results soon this week and that they are good. if you can't wait any longer, try and "push" your doctor, think they will understand how difficult this waiting is for you.

hope things will work out for the best,

corina :unsure:

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