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Just wondering if I am alone here (most likely not!), but I was wondering for those of you that get the tachy while standing if it starts immediately or do you feel dizzy/lightheaded then it comes on suddenly....They both seem to happen to me, so I was just curious what others deal with..

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Most of the time when getting up it will drop real slow and then within about 30 seconds I will become tachy.

I do get dizzy and presyncope.

If it's evening and I am helping make supper after about 5 minutes of standing, I become tachy. Or shopping, I'm tachy all the time I am walking.


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Guest dionna

in the heat like now!!! everytime i stand. i have to adjust until i can see again usually. but it can happen over a time of standing as well. that is usually when i faint. after i have been standing for just a little bit. if i am really bad times i stand i will faint but usually like i said after standing.

NOPE you aren't alone! we are here with you as well. guess we could have PARTY!

dionna :)

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I'll go to your party!!

Since I feel every beat, I can feel the tachy first if I am quiet. But if I am up and distracted and overdoing (which can be much or little, depending on the day), I often feel the lightheadedness first, then I am aware of the tachy. I don't get the lightheadedness much when I am sitting, but I can get the tachy by itself sitting after eating.

In heat it is just more likely...


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The dizziness/lightheadedness usually makes me aware of being tachy. I get it both while sitting and standing, but it's much worse when I stand.


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i get a drop in HR initially, then it goes up, up and up! :D then after my body's had enough of that, it says, "Ok, everybody, Get Dizzy Now" and i go presyncopal or just go right down. The without warning ones are happening more frequently....yikes :o

but this BP rise w/syncope or presyncope does't happen everytime i stand. it used to, (for years>>it was incapacitating! :D ) but i think as a result of med combos/lifestyle changes/re-conditioning, it's gotten much, much better of the years. as a matter of fact, i amazed myself: i stood for hours in the OR (it's nice and cool :) ) [this would be for nursing school clinical observations, in case you were wondering :) ] or i can stand for some time in warm places, for short periods. but i can't stand for anytime in the heat. i start feeling dizzy and pass right out...like cooking in the kitchen. i have to have a chair to sit on &/or fan running. outside in summer? fuhgeddabowdit!! although i'm gonna try that mister/fan thing i read (i think Mighty Mouse posted?) about when i can afford it.

and how's this for irony: i'm on so much cardiac meds now, that tachy for me doesn't ever really go too much above 100 bpm anymore. which is GREAT, but i still feel palps/tachy, even if my rate is only upper 80's? :) it's in "normal" range, but i've got all the ooky yucky symptoms!! and the doc's are so blase about it, like, "um yeah, and your problem is what, specifically?" they can't do anything about it, really, and my argument that my usual heart rate is mid to upper 50's is unconvincing. so i just try to avoid getting real tachy & deal with it (suffer thru it) when it happens (ativan helps, along with cool showers and deep breathing/relaxation) and continue better living through cardiac chemistry, i guess. LOL i'm not complaining. i'm better controlled than i've ever been, it's just frustrating to still have all the symptoms, but my vitals aren't setting off any alarms for anyone but me! :(

hey, where's that party?? we need to get in a good supply of MAGIC PILLS there so we can all feel better!! :P:P hey as long as we're having a virtual party, it doesn't hurt to dream......

love and light, y'all,


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What a party it would be!!!!!!! The hot weather tends to make my palps worse..

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