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Sunfish Saga Continued...

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Your notes have been so wonderful for Melissa! I just got a message from her while I was napping (she knew I wasn't up for talking today)...and here's 'hot off the press, the latest news...'

I hope it is okay for me to keep posting new threads on her. All of us know her so well b/c she is a moderater and care so deeply for her. As for me, I know my Jewish worry gene is going bonkers, so I am trying to keep you fellow worriers up to date also!

She didn't sleep great last night, so in the middle of the night she got my voice messages reading your messages to her and she was thrilled! So, I will continue to do that for her after she has gone to sleep at night so she has that to wake up to.

The bad news: She has not just one clot, but several clots around her line. :ph34r: So, they placed another PICC line in, which she HATES b/c they are hard to take care of and not so attractive with short sleeves!

They still have not decided what to do about the central line itself....so in the hospital she remains...

The good news: She has a private room and all of the doctors (excepting one resident piece of work surgeon) have been wonderful to her.

Okay, I'm off. Dinner is calling....Thanks so much for keeping her in your prayers. She's had such a rough go. Next week she is also supposed to have her second IVIG treatment (her version of a 40 hour work week!).

Corina--you are a riot!!!! I haven't sent a fairy card to her yet, b/c I haven't had energy left yet, and also b/c they are all so pretty I can't decide which one to send her! Do you have a favorite! So funny though, b/c the other night I left her this tearful message and I was like, why is this happening to you and blah de blah and what can I do for you. And she calls the next day (off of morphine and cracking jokes right back at me) and says, 'send me one of corina's cards!' I was so mad at her, b/c I literally had it on my list of things to do that day--and I sad, girl, stop ruining my surprises!!!!! It is a major miracle for a piece of snail mail to get our the door...she knows that too...so it will get there, I promise!!!!!!

Later alligators!


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oh my miss sunny fish~~!!! Do you want me to come out your way and kick that resident surgeons butt?? actually i dont think i could do it.. but my brother would be more then willing too!!.. he's an army dude(war vet.) who is 6'3".. and big!! muscle wise i mean@!!!! hahahaha lol.. he coul d bring some army guys to help him out.. just something to keep in mind tehe! (((laughing)))--atleast that pircky surgeon would think twice before not being on his best bed side manners!

i'm sorry about the clots and the picc line stuff....:ph34r:

hang in there dear.. I hope that you are feling better soon and things get better for you.. your in my prayers.. take care

hugs linda

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Sorry to hear you had to have a PICC Line placed again. I hope things are going to start looking up, and that you wil be able to start you 2nd round of IVIG. I am glad to you got you own room again. I have never had to share, I could not image what that would be like. Lucky where we live they are all single rooms. Even when my son was in the NICU, and PICU ( my little sickly boy) they have all single rooms too. It's nice so family can stay, or so you can get you rest.

Your are in my thoughts! Keep getting better! :)


Dumb question why is a PICC line hard to take care of then a central line?

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Just wanted to wish Melissa goodluck with the next IVIG treatment. I also hope the docs figure out what to do with her central line....

Is there anywhere we can mail a card to for Melissa???



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Nina (aka BUG GIRL)...

You would find a way to bring bugs into this!


Got the joke! Thanks. I read it to my mom and she and I were in peels. I will read it to Melissa either in voicemail or in person. I'm pretty out of it today myself, so we'll see! Yeah, I can't keep up with the darned PM box! Sorry! My email box is even more pathetic...I need more energy!!!!!!!


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Okay, let me be clear here-- I don't like all bugs -- and certainly not annelids, worms, which is what a leech is! :) Ah, but they are natures clot busters, aren't they? Gross but true. My bug love only extends to Lepidoptera. If you're not sure what that is look here http://www.lepbarcoding.org/

Say hi to the fish for me--perhaps she'd feel better if somone changed out the water in her bowl? Nina

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It's a good thing I am not taking care of Melissa as I can't keep my son goldfish alive if I tryed. When we flew to Cleveland my son who is 4 goes mommy as we are in the clouds "where all all my fish that god has in the clouds? Can we take them home?" What do you say???

...... Well if you didn't overfeed the fish........ :)


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Got the joke! Thanks. I read it to my mom and she and I were in peels.


Huh? Peels? Apple peels?

THis must be one of them there 'regional' terms. Is that mean the same thing as in stitches?

I get stitches, well, I dont' get stitches, except when I need them of course...actually, I only needed stitches a couple of times....

I've heard of chemical peels......can't say I've had peels....except that time I had a skin infection and my foot peeled...but that's a whole 'nuther story. Ug. Don't think y'all want to hear 'bout that anyway.


Feel better Sunfish. You must be so weary of hospitals.

Sending prayers as I type.


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I am thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better and out of that darn hospital very soon!


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Nina, I'll make sure to check that they've given our fish fresh water and some fish tonic. :)


You are cracking me up. You and Nina should be on Last Comic Standing!

Peels? Never heard that before? Like "Peels of laughter". I guess it's regional. I don't know. At least I don't say 'crick' or 'youins'. Sorry to those of you who do! Heck, maybe I made it up.

I will call Melissa tonight and leave her your messages....

Last night it took four times of calling b/c her voicemail kept cutting me off. Only problem is she has a habit of keeping all her messages and I'm afraid, like my beautiful PM box, she's gonna run outta room on her cell vm!



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Now peels of laughter I have heard of before.

It must have been the way you used peels alone in the sentence that had me flummoxed.

Thanks for straightening me out.

If I could do my routine lying in a bed, I could do a 'stand up' routine! Just ask some of my friends and family, they would agree.

no, brag, just fact.. :)

Good Night

p.s. I remember when comedian Martin Mull started out in the 70s, he would be in a soft easy chair. Now if they had recliners on stage...we could start a Dysautonomiacs R Us group.

Nina you go first, I have stage fright. :)

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I used to have a fear of crowds, but have come to enjoy being "on stage" as an adult; I have to do public speaking as part of my job, so keeping folks awake and laughing is my personal challenge when having to do 3 hours of lecture! I will do my best to let out my closet rock star mouse for our benefit concert on behalf of our sickly, lumpy fish.


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good luck with all those pesky lines, melissa! we are all pulling for you!

you continue to be in my thoughts, wishing you health and no owies and perfectly mannered, awesome docs and staff and to get home quick!!!


lulu :):)

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Sunfish! Hope you are back to being "Swimmy" real soon - the PICC line thing sounds like not much fun - and the surgical resident just needs a swift kick.... or maybe some of my sister's cooking! (THERE'S a fate worse than death!)

We miss you!

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