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Am I Alone W/ My Weird Sleep Issues

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Hi guys,

Just curious if anyone else here is having some weird sleep issues. If I nap or go to sleep for the night I wake up about 3 or 4 hours after I go to bed and have the palps, SOB, and I literally feel like I am not breathing...

I'm beginning to wonder if I am getting headaches due to my sleep, or lack of sleep @ times.

I don't think I am being woken up from nightmares or anything, I just wake up tachy. It seems to subside about an hour after I take my BB, but it still is a pain to be woken up like that. Also, when I take my BB @ night I feel 10 times worse getting up in the am..

I think the sleeping habits are making me alot worse in addition to the weather. It's like one day I sleep for hours and hours on end and the next I can't sleep..... Sigh......Guess I am mostly venting here!

Oh, just out of curiousity, is it possible to have anxiety attacks while you are sleeping?? Just trying to explore different options..My endo said that I most likely have some hormonal imbalance, but it's going to take a while to figure out and they aren't definately sure...


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Guest dionna

all i have are vivid nightmares. maybe i am crazy a little. all are about me killing someone. not sure why i never think about that when i am awake. i have had them for maybe a year now. so i think i miss a lot of sleep because of that. i also wake up sometimes in a lot pain in my legs or arms. i'm thinking something like rls and i will actually start shaking in whatever it is that is hurting. most of my problems with breathing are before i sleep but i have recently been told i snore. so maybe sleep apnea. my father and grandfather have it so perhaps i do and maybe you too. just a thought. i would suggest a sleep study. as soon as i can i will. and somedays all i want to do is sleep and some days i can't. maybe it is just stress and i can't sleep because i am thinking about different things. i'm not very happy right now. just bored. either way it causes my body to not like me very much. which is more stress :) . oh well i will get better.

dionna :)

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NO - you are not alone. In fact, Vanderbilt recognizes that we have varied sleep problems and are currently developing a sleep study. You might consider getting a sleep study - but sometimes it's like every other doctor we see... they don't understand the autonomic cuases of our problems. However, there are many sleep disorders that they could diagnose that might help you, so you might want to look into it!


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HI Jacquie,

I do not think you are alone with odd sleep issues. I have bouts of getting off to sleep for about 30mins then I half wake up, awear that my heart and breathing rates have gone array(sp) and that my body seems to be shaking then it wakes me up fully and I take a few hours before it all settels down and I get to sleep. I have found when I am like this it is is best for me to sleep upright. My daughter also has problems while asleep, waking up with a racing heart and breathlessness.


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So, does anyone here actually think anxiety attacks could be happening during sleep???

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Have you ever had an anxiety attack before? Does this feel the same or different from that? I know that you can wake up in a panic if you are having anxiety and have an attack...but do your thoughts match that?

It's hard sometimes to sort out the POTS and anxiety for some folks...or could your bp be dropping and you wake up in fight or flight type thing? Don't know, just shooting out ideas....


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The only thing I am anxious about these days is being sick w/ the POTS!!! I don't know if my bp is dropping too low or if it is my arrhythmia kicking in....I took my bp at night when it happened once and it was 86/45, but I'm not sure if that is normal for sleeping?!

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