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What Do You Think This Means


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Hi. Neurologist says POTS - do the Tilt Test if you want but its not necessary. So yesterday I had the test done with results of increase of HR of 30BPM. But this neurologist who did the test thinks its just Orthostatic Intolerance because this increase only lasted a few minutes and did not last long enough to be POTS. Another Neuro also there at the test argued with him that because I have all of the symptoms of POTS that it must be POTS." But she does not meet the criteria as the symptoms did not last long enough" says the other Neuro.

Please tell me what the difference is, in laymans terms, between POTS and Orthostatic Intolerance.

I did not know that the symptoms had to last for a certain period of time (like 5 mins) before its considered POTS. I also asked him how long do I put up with this for. He said he has no patients older than 40 with it so it should be gone by then.

I live in Australia and not much research is done here for POTS.


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the semantics of what to label various types of autonomic dysfunction is something that many do not agree on. the current terminology, however (at least in the US) generally equates POTS and OI. in other words, most if not all of the autonomic specialists here would say they are the same thing.

that said, orthostatic intolerance can also be a description rather than a diagnosis, i.e. generally people with any type of dysautonomia have some variation of orthostatic intolerance. in this light POTS would be seen as one type of orthostatic intolerance just as it is one type of dysautonomia.

so..my basic answer to your question - based up lots of reading, research, and discussions with autonomic docs - would be that a POTS diagnosis is the same as an OI diagnosis. even if some differentiate the two (though i have no idea how this would be the case nor what "criteria" would be used) i can't imagine that treatments/lifestyle adjustments would really be any different.

here is one link that indicates the use of POTS & OI interchangeably (from Vanderbilt):


regarding any certain length of time for symptoms, i've never seen/heard any discussion re: "how long" symptoms need to last as most people get worse the longer they are upright & not the other way around. do you only have symptoms for a few minutes and then feel better? if so this may have doctors confused.

regarding at which point one "outgrows" any type of dysautonomia, it varies A LOT. with POTS/OI, the spectrum is wide. some get better over time, some get worse, and many have ups & downs over the years.

hope this helps,

:) melissa

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Guest dionna
My understanding is that POTS has tachycardia symptoms while orthostatic intolerance is the blood pressure/fainting part. I could be *totally* wrong on this though.

yeap. thats what i thought too.

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generally OI & POTS diagnoses (in the medical literature/studies) both deal with heart rate, though many people also have BP issues.

NMH (neurally mediated hypotension), NCS (neurocardiogenic syncope), and OH (orthostatic hypotension) are generally the terms/diagnoses used to deal with drops in blood pressure.

hope this helps

:) melissa

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