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My Random Photos Of Bugs


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Okay, if you're skeeved out by bugs, and even more by BIG bugs, stop here and find another post to ponder.

You may think I'm nuts, but we've had some really cool bugs this month at my house. Yesterday, I went to pull the trash cans out from the garage to the curb, and behind one of them was an amazing moth that was about 8 inches wide, resting on the concrete wall. The photos are approximately actual size.

It took me 3 hours to find out what type of bug, and then I sent the photo in to http://www.whatsthatbug.com (yes, a real website i use to find the names of the creatures I've been finding). The owner loved my photo and it's now on their homepage as one of the Bugs of the Month for aug 2006! Skim down and you'll see it. It's called Eacles Imperialis and it's a type of wild silk moth.

Here are all 3 of the photos--the thing had FUR all over it and was really neat looking but I could only stay out there long enough to get the shots (2 minutes?) before I had to scoot back into the AC to avoid a crash. The colors were actually brighter than the photo b/c my lens kept fogging--it was 100+ degrees outside and my camera was cold from being in my AC ;)

Full View


Head Shot


Get a Sense of the Actual Size


Here's how I found the name of the moth online:

Started at google and went through moth photos on www.whatsthatbug.com

it was there, but I didn't find it at first, so I used links from his site to go to


where I used the b/w profiles of the moths to find the major grouping and then found my exact moth.

I then went to the following site to learn where it's usually found


and this last one for a definitive ID at a place called "the barcode of life"


It was fun detective work--I used some of the same resource to find the names of some other HUGE bugs I've seen this month, including a type of jumping spider, a woodlouse spider (big and red with cream stripes), and a grapevine beetle that looked prehistoric!

If you peek around the sites I've linked to, there are some really incredible bugs! Did you know that there are moths that look like humming birds? like bees? like wasps? one looks kind of like a flying lobster!

I've turned into an amature entomologist! Nina a tiny mouse compared to the bugkingdom

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ooooo....very cool. i'm a fan as long as it's not in my bed. impressive detective work too. AND you're now a published photographer :)

;) melissa

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A few weeks ago when I was up VERY late at night, I found this big spider crawling in front of me. It's called a woodlouse spider-- it eats only those little woodlouse bugs--the prehistoric looking ones that roll up in a ball when you touch them. Again, it too me a while to find out what it was. It's actual size is about 2.5 centimeters. Lest you think I'm a fearless mouse, you may notice that the spider is under a drinking glass! I carried it outside in the morning and put in on the mulch in my garden. I hope it's out munching on those creepy woodlouse bugs right now. ;)

Jul7-ReddishSpider.jpg and SpiderUnderGlass.jpg

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I think I would scream if I had found any of those around me.....Arent you afraid that they could bite??

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Moths are harmless to humans--their larvae can be destructive to some plants and/or other bugs though. I would be more frightened of some beetles and ants--they're common for stinging or big pinches.

Most spiders are not dangerous to humans. There are only a few dangerous ones in North America: violin spider/aka brown recluse, black widow, and hobo spider. The hobo is actually a European spider that made it's way to the US sometime in the 1920's or 30's. Most are non-aggressive unless threatened.

Others may bite or sting, but no worse than any other bug. Part of why I look them up is to be sure they aren't dangerous to me & Teri, or the cats--the wood louse spider (aka sow bug spider) could give me a heck of a pinch with those jaws but he only eats one thing: wood louse bugs. The big jaws are to break the exoskeleton of the wood louse bugs.

Most of the time, I put a glass over the crawly thing so I know it can't get to me. Funny thing is that I am REALLY scared of touching spiders, but for some reason, I think they're really cool too. I love that they eat the other bugs I hate like mosquitos and aphids that kill my roses. It's the same reason I love BATS. We have tons of them that live in our woods and they put on quite a show every night.


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Yea there was a huge spider by the couch one night and i couldn't get close to it cuz i was scared, so i decided that i would throw a shoe at it...good idea..right?!?! WRONG the thing jumped across the room and I screamed......so terrified of those creatures.....B)

I acutally heard that most spiders cant bite through human skin, only the brown recluse, black widow, and that other type nina put, and that's why they are poinsonous to us!! Not sure hwo true this is, do you know Nina?????

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Many spiders have venom, but not all of them are aggressive enough to bother with a human--and the ones that can and do bite humans are rarely anything more than an average bug bite.

Many spiders CAN bite through skin--but we're not on their favorite list of menu items. If threatened-- i.e. throwing a SHOE at one (bad idea), it might be provoked to bite. Like I said, only three species of spiders pose any serious danger to humans: black widow, brown recluse and hobo. From the readings I've done, most dangerous envenomations (serious bites) that previously were believed to be brown recluse are now believed to be hobo spiders. There's plenty of info on the web about these three.

Also, there is a whole group of biting, hunting spiders that JUMP...and therefore are called jumping spiders. I actually accidentally picked up a wolf spider (huge and furry)--I was putting away our fake halloween spider web with plastic spiders in it. I was picking out the plastic spiders b/c I just replace the web each year and use the same plastic toys--well, I picked one up and it moved and I threw it and completely freaked out. Teri actually heard me screaming from outside whilst mowing the lawn - and all our windows and doors were shut! B)

Seriously, if you want to desensitize yourself a little, I'd suggest going to the "What's That Bug" site I listed http://www.whatsthatbug.com and read up on what the types of spiders there are, what they're like as with regard to "personality"(shy, aggressive, nocturnal, venomous, biters). At first the site totally grossed me out, but then as I looked more at some of the really cool shapes and colors and the really neat web weavers, I started to look at them as natures artwork. Take a look through the lists of sphinx moths--they're absolutely amazing in colors, in camouflage, in looking like other living beings. Nature rocks!

Over the past few months I've become really amazed at the variety and color of bugs there are in the world--and how many have yet to be discovered officially and classified. If you look at some of the moths on the sites I have given you, they're really astounding in their variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and some have scales like butterflies...and others have fur, like the one I saw.

Now this is some serious chit chat stuff... total bug geekdom happening right now. Mabye I like them so much because most are smaller than me (not the moth, though!).

Buggy Mouse

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Ok Buggy Mouse,

I am going to take your word for the spiders, but I still don't like them. We have spiders all over the back side of the house. B) O'well at least not in the house! :) It's kind of nice thoug I did learn some new things about spiders! It I have a question I posting a picture of my spiders! :)

Talk to you later!

One how does not like Spiders! (Amy) :)

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ok buggy mouse! the only kind of critter thst i like with four legs and furry better say Meow meow or woof!.. LOL.. I'm so totally freaked out by bugs.. here is why!

In 2001.. i came home from work at like midnight.. and i flicked on my lights and i looked up and there was over 100 lady bugs on my ceiling and buzzing around my one room in my apartment!!! and they wherent the nice lady bugs.. they were the biting ones!!.. freaky little devils!

any who.. i had the creepy crawlies for days!..

But having your pic used and published now that is very cool!! congrats buggy!!!

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Cool pics. Nina!!

We have those humming bird moths here...they love our butterfly ginger plants. They are really neat..they fool me every time I see them...they look so much like humming birds when they're in flight.

The spider comments crack me up :blink: ...every time I see a spider in my house I think "Oh my gosh..it's a brown recluse!"...just can't seem to help myself! We actually had a neighbor who had gotten bitten in his sleep and the exterminaters found a nest under his house..so now I'm jumpy around all spiders!!

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Here's today's photo - I believe this to be a type of tent moth, either spilosoma virginica or spilisoma congrua.

I thought the stripes on the antanae and legs were really cool.

spiders: An old boyfriend of mine got some nasty spider bites in his sleep as a child and has a bunch of really nasty scars from them. I think genetically, we've been programmed to fear spiders... I certainly can't say I love them or even like them--just in awe of their variety, their ability to live on very little food and water, and for some, that they can make amazing webs.


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Check out this artist at


I think you will love it! She does moths, beetles, butterflies and drangonflies.

I honestly don't think her website does her work justice. She makes the insects look like the actualy specimens you might see in a museum...they are so detailed and 3-D. I cannot imagine the patience and detail and learning about each species.

She was recently picked here at an Arts Festival as an artist of note...


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Em, I went to the insectworks site--she has some really cool stuff! I wrote her to ask how much a frame of dragonflies would cost. Absolutely astounding. Nina

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I am completely serious about this Q, I saw a spider last night and poured hairspray on it....do you think it killed it???? I am hoping so...I get very tachy just looking at the things..:P

Also, curious as to where the 3 deadly types of spiders in the US are located i.e. midwest, etc..?

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Hobo spider: pacific northwest (not furry or all that big)


Black Widow and relatives (not furry or all that big): throughout the US and Canada


Brown Recluse (and relatives) central/southern US


The body of this particular spider is not large--only up to 10mm--and they're not that furry either. They only come out at night, and you're not food--only bite when frightened.

Sadly, the spider you killed was probably harmless. You might want to try just putting a glass over it, and then sliding paper or cardboard under, and then transport outside --safe for you, and saves the little bug too. Don't forget, spiders eat bugs that you don't want around you. Sorry, the buddhist in me can't help myself in asking you to try.


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It was huge and in the shower!!! I don't think I could save any insect, I am too scared of them, LOL...

Thanks for the info!

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  • 7 months later...

I know this is a very late reply---- My nephew David and I love looking in books, and on the web at all the different kinds of spiders and other bugs.

It was kind of cool to look at this post---it helps take my mind off my troubles----------and the upcoming tooth extraction--- B)

Centipedes scare the heck out of me--------I don't like those----------- :unsure I usually take any spiders I find and let them out on the grass..........

Maxine :0)

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Wow, Mightymouse , some great shots well done you :lol:

so have you now found the enjoyment of 'Bugs' ...............yuck, yuck, yuck .

As you know I bought Hubby this wonderful camera at christmas since he gave up mountaineering because of his old bod falling to bits and he hasn't stopped since ,you can see his huge selection if you open up my photo album and then go to the top of the page and open up his main album , but be warned there is some pretty gruesome stuff in there.

You are really lucky having so much nice creepy crawly stuff about your town , at times hubby is literally digging stuff up and crawling around on his knees to find things here, you will see by his photo's that at time , when its wet or to cold he resorts to taking photo's of anything that isn't nailed down or splattered on windscreens B) and he has this problem with bringing 'things' into the house then 'loosing them' OMG am I scared of spiders or what , this would be the best way for him to finish me off quickly ( if I didn't know him better that is ) just let loose a huge spider or stick one in my bed , I'd be flying soon after that , if you get my meaning .

I look forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future.

AMi the wife of a creepy crawly enthusiast .............yuck, yuck, yuck :angry:

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