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hey there. i will be tested with a GI motility exam next week for gastroparesis. i had a EGD a month ago which showed bilious fluid in the stomach after a 12 hour fast, so now the doc thinks my nausea/stomach burning is from paresis.......the wierd thing is is that sometimes i will feel completely stuffed after eating only small amounts, then other times i will eat and feel starved to death. do you always get the "full" feeling with gastroparesis or does it fluctuate with the "empty stomach" feeling....i too wake up like some of you in the middle of the night SEVERELY nauseous, and sometimes with my stomach feeling FULL FULL FULL and other times with my stomach feeling so empty.........

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Guest tearose

I think you mention the feelings I get...full and lousy and can't even think of eating...then nausea...

I have improved since my gallbladder was removed but I clearly see that when my gut "shuts down" I just do not digest food and if I eat it will rot in my tummy and come back..upchucked, later! UCK!

For example, today I had root canal at the dentist... :(:) ...I was such a wreck that when I tried to eat five hours later...my body was not ready and I..sorry to say, puked it all up within an hour! Only now, nearly 10 hours later can I get some soup to digest. It appears in my case, my gastroparesis is directly related to the status of my pots. I am use to dealing with it and believe I need to manage my food in small meals throughout the day and although it is annoying I know I can manage it.

good luck as you figure out what you have and how to deal with it.


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Intense nausea, gi spasms (lower, not in my stomach, but in my bowel), constipation, feeling really full and really bloated, reflux of not just bile, but food bits. I know, it sounds so ladylike, yes? :)


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Hey, Cardiatec,

Let us know what they find with your test. I'm interested in this as I was diagnosed with gastritis over a year ago. My doc said that I produce way too much stomach acid, but he doesn't know why and put me on prilosec, nexium, protonics, etc. Currently, I, too, am having feelings of terrible fullness even after small meals, or starvation, especially in the middle of the night. I never thought that those could be from gastroparesis. Could someone explain the symptoms of gastroparesis, please?



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Hiya, here's a link to a description of what gastroparesis is, and the symptoms


essesntially, it's what's described here:

nausea, vomitting, feeling full after a few bites, etc.


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Hey I have gastroparesis...You feel bloated alot, and nausea is a constant thing for me, there are certain foods I cannot eat. I am always constipated (totally stinks). But you learn to live with it and learn what will set your system off.

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