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Palpitations, But Not Fast Heartrate

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Is it possible to have palipitations w/o the fast heartrate. The whole day today my heart has been pounding, but my heartrate is at 78..I took half a Metoprolol, but I'm just curious if they are indeed palipitations, or do I have to have a fast heartrate for it to be palps?


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My heart pounds much of the time and my rate can be normal. The fast rate and palpitations can be two entirely different things. I was at a block party the other day, drinking my water, watching what I eat and I swore my heart was beating fast because I could feel every beat. It was in the 70's.

Even on the beta blocker I still get that. The weather can play a part in that also.

Hope it has calmed down some for you. :D

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Everytime I took a nap today the palps woke me up...The BB seemed to help out a bit, but it stinks because I can't take the BB while the Midodrine is in my system.

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Hi Jacquie :blink:

I get lots of palpitations without the tachy. I can feel my heart skip around....thump loud....vibrate.....skip and slip....I have recordings of diffuse ST waves and others all the while my heart is not beating very fast. Sometimes I feel it slow down and it feels like it is not beating fast enough for whatever it is I am doing.

I take 50mg Atenolol and it helps with the rapid heartbeat but it does not stop all the other 'activity' my heart seems to produce! :)


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I even have a pacer and I still get the same thing as I can skip a few beats and as long as it above 70 it lets my heart do it own thing. I know that this got alot wrose after my abltions. You have had them Jacqie right?

I have found I have beem left with some juctional rythem (SP?) It could be that? I am still on BB to keep my heart rate down but I am still having my own rythem wake me up also. I am going to the EP doctor at in the am I am going to ask if there is anything that can be down to fix this, or to help. Who knows I have asked before but I will see if he has any new ideas.

Hang in there! :)


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Guest tearose

Yes, I have palps without fast heartrate!!! I am normally arrhythmic and often find myself having more palps in the evening while I am relaxing and usually having a very low heartrate!

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Thanks for all the replies....I kinda figured I wasn't alone on this one!

Amy, let me know how you make out!


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