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Feeling Hopeless About The Nausea

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Hi guys,

This is more of a vent than anything else. I still have the horrible stomach nausea and nothing seems to help these days. I have tried Carafate, Reglan, Protonix, and Prilosec. When I was at the hospital they gave me Reglan which seemed to work wonders...My insurance won't cover it, so that is most likely out of the question.

My PCP gave me Prevacid 30mg to try, but I honestly don't want to deal with the diarhea that goes along with it. <_<

I have tried Pepto-Bismol and Mylanta as well.

I try not to eat anything that will upset my stomache, but to no use. I can have soup and feel sick right afterwards...Is there something I am missing?? Some trick that is out there that I just dont know about??



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Hello and I feel your pain!

This advice may sound odd or not something you would want to do but I can honestly say theres only one thing that has made my nausua easier to deal with and that would be Unisom.

When I was pregnant with my son, NOTHING worked and my doctor said to try unisom for nausua (its a sleep medicine) and I was so desperate I did and my nausua went away.

I dont know how far you are to just trying anything to make it go away, but Unisom honestly worked for me. Like I said though, its a sleep medicine so you can only take it at night and if it does make you groggy the next day. I have to be at work by 9 and the groggy feeling usually goes away by then. I only offer this advice because you sound like its really affecting your daily life and maybe Unisom might work for you as well.

Good Luck and God Bless

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When I was pregnant I used to drink gingerale. And peppermint sometimes helped.

It's worth a try, and it won't conflict with anything else your taking.

Best wishes,


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Proton pump inhibitors don't always cause the runs. I've been on nexium, in the same general family as Prevacid, and I've never gotten diarrhea from it. Nor did I get the runs from prilosec, zantac or zantec.

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You said your insurance won't cover the Reglan- If your physician writes a letter that states Reglan is the only thing that works for you, it may be possible they would cover? Worth looking into as this has been the case with two of my meds.

Check into it. :rolleyes:

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ever tried seabands? not the motion sickness tabs you put behind your ears but the actual bands you put on your wrists? those things i used to wear ALL THE TIME when i had nausea SEVERELY (thankfully mine is a little better).......they seemed to help me some.....along with peppermint.....another thing that helped calm the nausea were ice packs behind the neck or on the wrists.....

hope you feel better....

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Hi guys,

I have decided to try the Prevacid tomorrow. Honestly, I don't think it is going to help me since the Prilosec, Protonix, etc. didn't seem to do much. I notice my stomach aches get worse during the middle of the day and night time..... :D

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I'm beginning to think nothing is going to help. I'm calling my doc tomorrow am, I'll let you guys know how I make out.


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I am so sorry your still going through this. My worst sx is nausea so I know how hard it is to deal with. It's been almost 2 yrs of constant nausea..........it's very frustrating. I wish I had some magic advise but I also have tried everything available and haven't had much relief. Promethazine (phenergan) really took the edge off for awhile now for some reason I can't tolerate it. So back to the drawing board.

I forgot, do you see a motility specialist? I do and he also knows alot about autonomic dysfunction almost more than my ANS doctor. Even though I have slow gastric emptying (gastroparesis) he feels my nausea is due to the lack of blood in my brain which is causing miscommunication and sending signals of nausea.

My ANS doctor don't agree so she won't prescribe modidrine which is what he recommends for it.

Sorry for rambling.


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just posted this reply....on another subscription....and perhaps it may help u, jacquie??

also, ever try OTC EMETROL?NO DRUG INTERACTIONS...ETC...just a sugary liquid...that for life of me---i don't know why it works so well!

anyways, in regard to below...which i'm going to copy and paste......:rolleyes:====read it...and then keep in mind, that when we go into hypoglycemic bouts....caused by insulin siurges...we get nauseated----along w/ the other pots symtoms---from increase i adrenaline.

my experience...and conclusions only,,,,,from what i read and found to be true:)

heres the info:


****come off all refined sugars!===cake,cookies, ice cream..etc....

****if you eat fruit----balance it out with pecans, or low fat cottage cheese, or protein of some sort==as need to balance carbs/proteins in a 2:1 ratio.

saying this, as i read in dinet info===that w/dysautonomia....we have metabolism prob----such as===when we cause INSULIN SURGES----like by eating too high refined sugar/carbs==>our bods can go into hypoglycemia episodes....AND ALSO WE PRODUCE MORE ADRENALINE---CAUSING MORE POTS SYMPTOMS.....[and NAUSEA!]

ALSO TRY--if u can....get some high quality virgin coconut oil...and eat but a 1/2 to one tsp. of it before you eat anything===which apparantly cuts down on the insulin surges.


just my interpretation of what i read, and doing it helps me control my symtoms.

let me know if it helps you any, hun!!!!




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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies. I see a GI doc and he wanted me on Reglan, but my PCP does NOT want me taking it. After reading the side effects, I don't want to take it either. My PCP really thinks that I should not take it.....I'm hoping he can talk to my GI doc and they can figure something out.

Thanks again for the replies,


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