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Ridciulously Low Amount Of Ssri?

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I started lexapro 2.5mg...I am miserable with side effects. I was wake all last night, jittery, having rushes, palpitations-early beats-, feeling manic almost with the worst fuzzy head. I don't think I can go through this. I just don't feel right. I've been taking it a few days. I am very sensitive meds. I only take a tiny bit of beta blocker 12.5 2x day because I can't take the side effects. So my heart rate is low with both the ssri and beta.

My hands are all sweaty,,well to be fair they were before, but nothing has changed and I felt nothing but extra heartbeats and rushes all night.

Does anyone take an ssri any other way? Like every other day? I have not read anything on it, and it probably would not do any good taking it that way, but I wonder if some of us could build up to much of it taking it every day.

Just a thought. I'm wondering if I can take my klonopin with this? My cardio is out of town until Weds. The dr. who is covering is another private dr who won't know anything about me. Maybe I should page my dr.

Thanks for listening.

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i can't handle anyyyyyy ssri's......at all......!!!!!!!!!

tried lexapro...2.5 like u...and it was hoorific!

miss me--trying to wait til horrible side effects go away....


I AM ON BETA BLOCKER...LOW DOSES....and do take xanax....also.

klonapin in same family as xanax...

have friend who tolerates lexapro fine[non-pots person]....and also takes xanax---no problem.

are we sick of this?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my.............

anyways====[[[[hugs]]], hun......

hope this helps in some way:)

best regards,


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I had similiar reaction to lexapro. I was switched to celexa beginning with 5 mg and had side effects for a few weeks but no where near the way lexapro felt. After 4 months I am feeling much better heart rate wise and bp wise. hang in there and ask your doctor when he gets back he might change your med also. I have taken xanax with celexa but not sure about other. I hope it gets better for your.

Take care


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I didn't have much luck with Lexapro. I was on prozac for a couple years but gained alot of weight with that, then took effexor and gained more weight. I stopped taking SSRI's for 3 years. May 1st, I started on Celexa 5 mg which is a really small dose. I tried 10 mg and got stomach pain. I feel better than I did. I would like to increase


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A few years ago I went on Lexapro and had a similar reaction. I am very sensitive to meds and started by taking 1/4 of a tablet in the morning, so it could wear off by night. I was able to work up to 1 pill and took it for about 1 year, then developed headaches and could not take it anymore.

I could not take it in the afternoon or evening, or I would end up being up all night.

Good Luck.


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I have posted under another topic before regarding this so I don't want to repeat myself, but I also tried Lexapro started at 10mg, went down to 2.5 -was horrible for 10 days that I tried to stay with it. I haven't been able to tolerate SSRI's at all.

Last nightmare med I tried was Cymbalta- didn't think anything could be worse than my Lexapro experience, but I was wrong.

I did take klonopin with the Lexapro.

Again, everyone is dift. My daughter has taken Lexapro with Klonopin-she had no problems and she is very tiny little thing.

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