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Dizziness At Night In Bed?

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Just recently I've been having these dizzy spells when I'm trying to go to sleep, though it's more like vertigo than lightheadedness, and I'm lying there and feeling like I'm on a rocking boat, and behind my eyes it's like a top is spinning. Very odd. Is this common with you guys?


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I have that several times a week, I'd say, and it used to terrify me and drive me crazy. Finally I realized that if I just give into it and let it feel like a rocking boat and rock me to sleep, it turns into an ok thing. I know that's stupid, it just seemed to help. Of course I sail, so that motion really IS comforting to me - after a while I had trouble sleeping without it, so I would have to visualize being on a rocking boat to get to sleep!

Good luck!

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I have also had this on and off for the last year..seems like it is part of this thing called POTS.

I deep breathe and try and fall asleep soon..It is esactly how you described it that is how I describe my presyncopal spells.

Like being on a rocking boat..weird isn't it? :blink:

Take care..Belinda

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Yes, Megan, I have this exact experience also. Some of these symptoms are so small, I feel like a hypochondriac telling anyone, including my doctor, about them. But this one occurs so often, without any pattern, or apparently any consequence, that I don't worry about it.

I used to ask "did you feel something move?" when I got that feeling. It felt like a distant earthquake (we lived through the Northridge quake in 1994). At this point, if I WERE to feel a real quake, I probably would ignore it! :)

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This happens to me a lot and often times I've asked my fiance to stop moving when he hadn't been moving at all. It's really strange to explain but it usually happens right as I'm trying to drift off into sleep. It's such a weird feeling I will try to fight sleep but I usually just give in and wait for it to be over and me to fall asleep. Another weird POTSy thing. :)

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Hey there,

I have had the same symptoms for a while. They were alot worse last summer because I had a viral ear infection, which left me waaaaaaaaay off...It's most likely another POTS symptom, but if it persists get to a doctor to rule out any sort of inner ear disorder, etc.


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