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Anti-tpo Blood Test---real High Number-abnormal

Guest Julia59

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Guest Julia59

My ANTI-TPO Test numbers were very high. normal range is 0.0 to 35.0

Mine was 1324

My endocrinoloigst said it was normal to be that high with hashemotos thyroid disease.

But my tyyroid gland is not inflamed, and my other thyroid tests are comingout normal. I am on .075 synthroid. I have been on tyroid medication since 1995.

I read something that said these numbers can be high with vascular connective disorders and other autoimmune diseases.

does anyone know about this test---?

Julie :0)

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I also have high thyroid antibody levels (900+). They have doubled in the last 4 years. I also thought these levels should go down with thyroid treatment. I believe my POTS is autoimmune related, as I was in remission for 3 year while being treated with prednesone for ongoing sinus infections.

Mayo found these antibodies a number of years ago. I keep looking for more studies to corilate other autoimmune disease. About one week ago a number of people posted that they also had very high thyroid antibodies along with POTS.

It is a good question. I wish I had an answer.


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