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Pots Along The Way To Msa?

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Dr. Grubb has written that POTS can be a stop on the way to MSA (multiple systems atrophy). He didn't cite the percentage likelihood of this happening, and I assume it's very low.

But I'm curious, do any of you know of members that joined the forum diagnosed with POTS who later found that they had MSA?

Despite lots of research to look for data on this, I can't find any studies that have tracked this type of progression.



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joe -

welcome to the forum.

a couple of things...

first, please cite the article/publication of dr. grubb's to which you are referring (a link, the specific short quote, name of article, etc.) people (include myself) will likely be able to better respond knowing exactly to what you are referring.

secondly, to my knowledge no one on the forum has received a diagnosis of POTS which has then "become" a diagnosis of MSA. there are some who - because of the ambiguities & differing opinions even amongst the experts as well as other things - are given different diagnoses over the years. there are also many who have certain symptoms that you may read about as being associated with MSA; this does NOT automatically equate to having MSA. there are many overlapping issues between different categories. there is also a lot that is not understood at this point in the realm of dysautonomia and not everyone fits into a particular diagnosis clearly. i have heard of some with MSA being misdiagnosed with Parkinson's or visa versa.

hope this helps,

<_< melissa

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