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Dissablilty Discrimination

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Hi all,

I decided to post this as a separate topic so people can search for it later to find out how it's done.

As I posted earlier, my building has refused to turn on the air conditioning despite my documented heat intolerance. This counts as disablilty discrimination according to the federal Fair Housing act. For anyone who feels they are being discriminated against because of thier POTS (whether it be your building won't allow you to install shower bars, or won't give you access to accessable parking), here're links to your rights, and advice on how to open a complaint.

Link to list of your housing rights as a disabled person :


Home page for Department of Housing and Urban Development:


I opened my complaint by first going to the HUD homepage and looking up my local state HUD office. I called them and they took down my information. Because my situation is dire, they also referred me to a non-profit orginization called "Baltimore Neighborhoods". The woman I talked to there agreed to take my case and is right now calling my landlord and ordering the air be turned on. If the building still refuses, there are lawyers she can refer me to who will take my building to court.

I hope none of you have to go through this, but if you do, go to HUD first. They will be able to help you quickly, and seem to be very understanding. :)

- Lauren

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Lauren, I'm very proud of you for doing something proactive to fix your situation. It's one thing to make a complaint--it's a better thing to take the steps to fix the problem, which is what you've done. GOOD FOR YOU!!


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Thanks Nina,

I'm not the kind of person to make a fuss, so it was very hard for me to do this. I'm glad I did it though, people need to be more aware of the disabled and little things like this help to raise awareness for people with chronic illnesses. After this, maybe next time a diabled person complains to the building manager, they will be listened to. :)

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