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A Loaded Question?


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Hey y'all,

I was just thinking (my first mistake :P ) about a post I recently made. I was considering that even though having dysautonomia really stinks, I have had some good things happen since I was diagnosed and from my recent/current bout of getting really, really ill.

What I mean is I realize that I've learned a lot about myself and my family and friends and people in general. They say things happen for a reason....I wonder if I would have learned all of this eventually?? I wonder why me? Why anyone? Why dysautonomia? These questions help me to deal with the overall scope of s**kiness of having dysautonomia & everything else, and they lead me to think some good has come of it, wee little bits that have changed my life.....and I must admit, rather grudgingly but very truly, some of those changes have been for the best.

I mean, because of my dxs, I:

quit smoking after 17 years

quit drinking (not that I was much of a drinker) but this is a good thing

eat better and more healthfully

may even actually exercise again someday soon :rolleyes:

started taking care of myself and making that a priority

actually realized how blessed I am that I'm not worse off and how GOOD it feels to have a "normal" day that I would have taken for granted before

realized how blessed I am to have loving, supportive people in my life, some from places I never expected

realized how blessed I am to have met ppl through this forum

have a greater sense of happiness for folks when they have small triumphs, the joy of being able to relate

realized the value of s-l-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n

realize that I can draw boundaries and benefit from having done so

I can say "no" now and not feel *completely* guilty

I know I'm not really an "alien" anymore, though my sanity may still be dubious :)

I can stick up for myself better than I used to

I know way more about the autonomic nervous system than anyone should....maybe I should take a spot on "Jeopardy?" (We could be Team DINET....anyone?)

And I wonder if any of you feel like some good things have come from your diagnoses?

(There's a part of me expecting to be crucified for even asking this question or being a Pollyanna, but I have to wonder, it's just my nature.....I know none of us would choose this to happen to us & I hope no one is offended by my asking or trying to look at the good side when everything seems so bad.)

Bright blessings to you all,


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Actually, Lulu, I have drawn the same conclusions....

I now have time to focus on the "career" I fell into - I am a preacher's wife and now I have time to dedicate to the church and many have benefitted from that - I hope!

Right now I am starting a HopeKeepers support group for paoplewith Chronic pain and chronic illnesses. I discovered that there are only 3 in the state - the closest one a 3 hour drive away! So, hopefully, that will also benefit people.

I had always wanted to write and publish a book - I now have - NMS was not the subject I dreamed of... but, I still did it!

So, yes, there have been positive things that have happened.

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Blessings come in strange packages at times. So, yes, there has been good not only from having a "verifiable" diagnosis but also from being chronically ill. Over the summer, someone on the forum posed this question and many people responded. Nearly all the responses mentioned being far more compassionate and enjoying the "simple" things in life- not taking anything for granted. I think illness gives us such a differrent perception on life. So, for me I hope I never forget what it is like to be chronically ill. "Things" and "stuff" get put in their rightful place when it takes all you have to make it day-to-day. You realize to "not sweat the small stuff" because in the end almost everything is small stuff. So, good question.


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I have many personal comments on this issue but not enough strength to sit up and write about them all in the moment :rolleyes:

Carmen summed it up well for me but I wanted to add that I am much more aware of the fact that all illness, disease and syndromes were at some time "new" and "nobody knew anything about them". So, I am thankful for the pioneers (patients, researchers and Dr's) in any and all disorders because I can relate to the frustrations, fear and sometimes lonliness that come with a "new" disorder that is yet understood by either the medical profession or society as a whole.

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Sorry, nope. I had a good life. Never smoked, drank or took drugs. Had a loving family and no problem saying no. Was already slowed down, because I've always been sick.

My family is in the poor house because of this. I loved my job, but it did not interfere with my life. I kept work at work and home at home. By the time I got to be just a house wife, my kids were grown and I'm too sick to even cook my hard working husband dinner.

I know there are people sicker than me, I used to be able to take care of them. But they didn't get called crazy, psycho, lazy, or malingering like me. They were treated with dignity, which has been rare for me.

The only positive thing for me is I have discovered cyberfriends. That being said, cyberfriends can support you on line, but they can't pick you up off the floor when you are all alone. Sorry, it's a downer, but there it is....morgan

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I have been sick all my life too, but I think although it has been ENORMOUSLY hard at times, it has kept me from being somone with mixed up priorities.

I mean, I have had to keep very clear priorities in life and I am very clear on which things I will sacrifice or not sacrifice.

Co workers have been shocked sometimes at how I will blatently walk out of work.... But if it is that or my health, or that or my baby girl? there is no question. I figure as long as I am doing the right thing in the 'big picture' arena....then it will work itself out.

I hear others talk about how they envy people from other cultures (latest one was people in nepal and tibet), on how they have such family oriented lives....such clear priorities.... Such "simplicity"....so 'intune with themselves'. I always get a chuckle from their comments.... This person spends enormous amounts of money on retreats and is about to sequester himself away from everyone for three years in order to attain this simplicity mentioned above. I have no need for this....I came to it a bit more naturally, you could say. Aparently my life long illness gives me more in common with dirt poor people in tibet than with the people I live my life around.

I live a very slow mellow life. If I want drama I will watch a soap opera. lol

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I have to second every word in your post, too. Except I did not have children...well, /ecept cat kids.

I never smoked, always nutrition concious, always laid back, always had the gumption to "just say no" to things I could not do...and to people!

Although it caused a divorce it was MY CHOICE and thank good ness I got it.

But I hear you on the poor house bit...my monthly income is less than most folks make in a week. The obstacles are overwhelming. Yet because I had the wisdome to stock a $4000 dollar in a savigns account, "I am NOW to0 rich to get help for paying for Medicare Part B, or meds, or everyday luxuries like dental care, eyeglassses, meds and food. I am not going to be a crook and dump the money to play the game. I try to live HONESTLY.

I ALWAYS loved the little things in life. As a kid, sitting on the small back stoop of my parents tiny house to enjoy the sunset, to lie on the ground and watch the clouds. I still get excited to watch airplanes at a tiny nearby airport, sit in the car and watch Lear Jets, to see the newly fallen snow...to APPRECIATE the wonder and beauty of all creatures great and small (except for termites and other bugs! :rolleyes: )

When working, I was the one in the office talking about the sunset the night before when others never paid attention.

Even now, I have a friend, I was at her house last fall, lying on a couch watching tv after dinner. She has the MOST AMAZING VIEW of the western HORIZON. The sunset, speckled like open fingers across the sky in purple, torquoise and scarlett redacross the sky over her house was photo worthy. I have known her since I was 16. She has lived in this house 10 years.

WHen i went on and on about the wonderful natural VISTA outside her house in re: to the magnificent sunset, her comment;

Gee, I never noticed" ????????????????????

So, sorry, this illness has never been a blessing...I can't help out my 85 year old mom more, can't take an airplane ride to see family out of state, when they are ill or have had surgery...Can't work at all.

I am with SO with Morgan on this. I might NEVER have had the courage to be so honest about this and go against the 'grain' of the majority.

So this illness just majorly stinks.

So no joy here in the illness.

But of course after 15 years, you learn to grieve in steps and adapt..and STILL find joy and humor in everyday...you have to to move forward.

Maybe if I had lots and lots of money for basic things to NEVER WORRY about how to make ends meet, or eat, or pay medical bills, or car worked on, then my worries might be less.

But Morgan, when you mentioned poor house, it hit me in my gut. I know you know that daily fear and you just can't focus on it or you might just jump off a tall building.

Sorry to be a bummer. but this is my reality


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The post I was referring to over the summer was started by Ariella and it is "Positive Thinking" June 7- a lot of good responses.

And yes, this is an awful disorder and I think many of us can relate to the financial concerns. Being sick is expensive no doubt about it, and I certainly don't mean to minimize anyone's stress. It is a terrible disease. I had that thought today as I found myself stuck in bed after two seemingly good days. However, for me if I had a choice I would have chosen to not have this disease- but since I didn't have a choice, I am trying to turn it into a positive thing for my life. I do feel blessed to be able to relate to people in a way I don't think I coud have had I not been so sick for so long.


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Guest sonotech

I believe that the ONE good thing that comes from an ACTUAL DIAGNOSES is the mental benefit. We then have PROOF that we arent CRAZY. I know that we have all felt that way at some point and family and friends start to wonder as well. It also becomes a starting point for research and understanding of what we are going through. Now as far as LIFESTYLE changes.....well, for me, nothing has changed. I still feel lousy and have a difficult time dealing with it. Anyone who has this illness is a very special person because you have to be strong to deal with the everyday problems. I think it makes us more compassionate and caring individuals. I know each and every person on this site are amazing people!! :D

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What a gut-wrenching question!

It saddens me so to hear the desperation in some of your voices, knowing that desperation is often in my voice, too.

Thankfully, my condition waxes and wanes and right now I'm feeling better than usual, so it allows me to be more optimistic.

I have made a couple of life-long friends with this condition and that would not have happened if I was well. I DO have more empathy for others and am COMPLETELY comfortable with sick people, and that is a new thing for me. I was happy to regularly visit someone with Shy-Dragers who became a dear friend before he died. I would have never felt comfortable doing that before this illness.

It's true, I can walk into any nursing home and be completely comfortable with the residents!! We can talk medicine and will have a lot in common! Ha.

It has made me open my eyes and truly question my faith. I think some introspection in that way is a good thing, and I am happy that my faith has survived this illness.

I don't rush people any more, because I have so much to do and need to get going -- "sorry I really can't chat right now" doesn't happen very much any more. I spend more time laying around with my kids and really TALKING to them and, more importantly, LISTENING.

My husband and I worked together before I got sick, so now we never fight about work! He can just be my hero now and that has been good for us.

I think it has been good for my kids to be around someone who isn't perfect. It makes them more accepting of others with disabilities and makes them more aware of the struggles that others go through. They just seem more mature and empathetic than most kids their age.

I will confess to you that there were many times that I just felt like I was waiting to die. But when I can get on top of the symptoms, instead of visa-versa, I am glad I am still here.

Hang in everyone. You are not alone.

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The prognosis you were referring to I believe is for progressive conditions, namely, Shy-Dragers. Are you sure that you fit the description there? Did Dr. Grubb say that yours would progress, or that yours may not improve?

Watching my friend die with Shy-Dragers, the differences in our conditions jumped out at me. He was a triathlete who progressed quickly and died in 3 years. It was extremely aggressive.

Sometimes I wish this condition would get worse if it can't get better because being stuck in this condition is so lousy. Are you stuck or do the docs think yours will worsen?

We're here for you, Sophia.

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Guest GayleP

As far as I'm concerned , nothing good has come out of my illness. Before I became sick I took very good care of myself. I ate right, worked out for an hour everyday, didn't smoke and drank in moderation. I had just gotten married for the second time to the man of my dreams, a man who loved to hike and bike ride as much as I did. This was after having survived an abusive first marriage. I also had a career that I loved, I worked as a therapist and was a specialist with developmentally disabled and autistic kids and their families.

Now I can't bike ride or hike in the beautiful Rocky mountains that I love so much. I had to stop working meaning that all those kids who I worked with lost a therapist who really cared about them and who was a huge advocate for them. Not to mention that the loss of my paycheck has hurt us financially. And my husband is very supportive but lets face it, we only had a year and a half of a normal marriage before he became a caretaker.

Could it be worse? Yes, I know it could be much worse and I'm so grateful that it isn't. I realize that everyday when I think about Christopher and Dana Reeve or read about what some of you on this board are struggling with. But I will NEVER feel like something positive has come out of this. Ever.

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Nope, not shy-drager just going by what Dr.. Grubb told me about many with this illness and that many women DO WORSEN with aging and hormonal changes.

Also, I have known that many have un-diganosed "unknown issues" so there is no guarantee. But I am so much worse than I was 10 years ago as far as weakness and the number of good days a month.

But then again, Dr. Streeten saw this as well and it wasn't all about the Shy Drager aspects. Just many of us born with this (as we now figure I was from numerous childhood events/illness and reactions) are getting worse and they do NOT know the real cause in any of us.

So NIH doesn' specifically state the Shy Drager aspects in their general prognosis.

Though the hopeful cynic in me (?? :D:) ) wonders if they didn't change the wording on the NIH site due to cutbacks for ALL research thanks to the current administration.

You know, wanting to dramatize it all for worst case scenario.

Anyhoo...thanks for the support. I have it here in my house I share and from sister and mother and a couple of friends that get it, even if they don't "get it!"

Plus the message boards are great and I visit a couple unrelated to illness a lot these days. If I thought about this illness all the time I would probably start screaming and never stop. Though like Gayle, I realize things could be worse...for MANY...not just myself. :)

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Good for you for looking for the positives in the illness. I completely agree with you, my illness has brought many good things. Although I wouldn't have chosen it, staying positive has helped me so much. I have done things that I wouldn't have ever done otherwise. The best thing I have ever done came because of my POTS. On days when I am doing horribly I think about my good days and the positives. This illness may seem horrible - and it is - but it could be cancer or something else deadly. When I'm down I always remind myself of those 2 things.

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Lest I be misunderstood, let me clarify a few things......

I had a great life before dysautonomia, even though were some snags, just as everyone has, because we're human.

I never smoked more than a pack a week, I was a "social" smoker.

I always ate well, have been a vegetarian for nearly twenty years.

I was active, a go-getter. I was a therapist--in homeless shelters, community mental health, substance abuse counseling and crisis intervention. I was good at my job and was able to help people.

My family and friends were good people and we had good relationships.

Before I was diagnosed, I had a horrible marriage and I managed to get through that & out of it.

I then met the ONE, an active playful fellow, who I enjoyed hiking, biking, playing tennis, frisbee, lots of stuff with....got my dx about 4 months into our dating and he took me to ERs, doctors, everything.

He married me anyway, within a year of our meeting. I was 27, he was 23.

Within 1 year of marriage, I wasn't able to work and this has been up & down, eventually I had to stop counseling....even tho I worked hard to get my Masters degree after my dx.

I decided to change fields...go into nursing (I'm still in school after the first one kicked me out because of being too sick), it's been a battle to still want to contribute to society and have to battle this illness.

Now I can't work again, am barely hanging on to going to school & lately it's all been on him....the finances, taking care of me, taking care of our menagerie of pets.....I'm sure he would like to have that bouncy active partner back somedays and that what happens to me has got to scare the heck out of him.

I wouldn't wish what we've had to go through on anyone.

We are barely surviving on the monetary plane.....

BUT, since I have no choice about having this illness & I am always going to have it, I think I better start getting OK with myself about having it (after "officially" being dx'd for 8 years--it's time) and that includes looking at what it's given me, good AND bad. I still have to admit, though this disorder stinks, I have gained a deeper appreciation for what is still good. I am awed by the love that people can have for each other & that I see in my life. I feel tremendously blessed for that, despite this horrible dx. & I know none of us is having a picnic with our illness(es). That is a given I'm sure all of us understand too well.

As I posted to begin with, this is a heavy question. I appreciate everyone's brave answers and for sharing whatever their reality is. I hope to hear thoughts on this from other posters, too. I'm really interested in how people deal with this. And my wish for everyone, truly, is

Peace, Love and Light,


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Lulu, what a wonderful post! It warmed my heart to read it as finding the positives has been something we have made a special effort of doing, and my daughter has more than a few times specifically mentioned the good things that have come from her POTS.

POTS entered our home in an obvious way over a year ago when our daughter became quite ill. It has changed her life and that of our family in so many ways. More recently our son has been diagnosed as well. As a parent, it is very difficult to see your children suffer and to see what they are missing, etc. However, we learned very early on that focusing on the positives is enormously helpful in getting through these difficult times. While we of course would not have chosen to be a POTS family, so to speak, we have found and experienced many blessings in the process, and we are grateful for each and every one. Do we have days when we mourn for what our kids are missing and the things we have lost as a family due to POTS? Absolutely! Do we have times when we reach low points, wishing for what might have been? You betcha! However, when I find myself at such a point, I remind myself of two things: #1, If my children had a life-threatening disease or serious injury, I would be wishing to be able to exchange such for POTS as those ?options? would be far more devastating, needless to say. That in and of itself helps me put things in perspective and realize once again that we indeed are still quite blessed, even in the midst of the POTS journey, which can be incredibly frustrating and difficult. #2, Though we would not have chosen POTS to come into our life, there are many special blessings that we would have missed without it and I focus on the special blessings that POTS has given us.

Thanks again for posting, Lulu. You made my day!

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I don't think that quote is referring to the majority of us here. That page is grouping together all types of dysautonomia...even the fatal ones, which most of us don't have.

I think this is a great topic, Lulu, and you can tell a lot about how illness has affected a person's life from the replies here. I'll be the first to say being sick stinks, but I do see some roses among the thorns in my own life. Getting sick definitely made me want to live life to the fullest when I started to improve. I have grown from this illness, and I think I'm a better person now than I was before. I no longer sweat the small stuff. I appreciate life so much more. I am more compassionate and feel comfortable talking to people who have disabilities. I stick up for myself and confront people when need be. Perhaps the greatest benefit is that I am no longer afraid to chase my dreams. I don't think I would have ever had the courage to start a nonprofit organization before I got sick.

In short, this illness has taught me a lot about appreciating others, myself, and feeling blessed for every moment I am alive and feeling relatively well.


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I've had one downward turn after another for the last 8 months. I was a good nurse. I don't say many good things about myself, but I will say that. To be a good nurse, you have to have a lot of compassion and empathy for people.

As soon as I come to terms with another aspect of this illness, another one hits. I don't really have to worry about what other people think, because what little I have left goes to my family and very close friends.

I never see my husband because he works over 60 hours a week. So we can pay humongous medical bills for me and still eat. He is not 25 anymore either.

If I seem bitter, it's because I have been able to fight through illness my entire life. No matter how hard it was, I got up every day, took care of my family and worked like a dog. Now I'm lucky if I can get up at all. I have been a fighter and worked hard for the things I wanted all my life. Now it takes all my energy to wash my hair.

I am 51 years old and I expected to take care of people till I retired and now I can't take care of myself, let alone anyone else.

I do love sunny days, and going for rides, and spending time with my family. My renewal of vows will be such a beautiful memory for me. I do appreciate so much the fact that I do have a loving and supporting family, unlike many others. I love God. I have many blessings.

But I had these things BEFORE I got sick. So there isn't anything good about this illness. I didn't need to get sick, to learn to appreciate things, to love my husband, to not take what health I did have for granted. I already stopped to smell the roses. I was doing the things I wanted, and not doing the things I didn't want to. Do you understand what I am saying? I knew what illness was, I took care of very ill people, and sometimes their families. I didn't need to get this sick to appreciate what others have to go through.

So I feel what you've all learned because of your illness, I had a pretty good grasp of before I got sick. This will appear to make me sound like some perfect zen creature, but I assure you, that' not what I intend.

All I am saying is nothing positive has come from this illness for me that wasn't there before.

I have always strived to be a good person, a kind person and never hurt anyone. And now I am watching an illness I have no control over hurt and hurt and hurt the people I love most in this world. There is nothing good about that.

Am I bitter, you better believe it. Am I sad, absolutely. But not for ME. For the people around me that stand by helplessly, watching me slowly go downhill, wringing their hands, wondering what's next. If it were just me, I feel I could deal with this illness, but it kills me to see my family in pain over this. Is there something good about an illness that robs your family of hope? That makes them sad? Frustrated and just as tired as you? I don't think so. We were poor before, so i didn't need to get sick to know what other people go through.

I'm sorry I'm not Dana Reeve. Positive to the end, upbeat and super duper cheerful. And I imagine when she was alone, she wasn't smiling. She was thinking of the devastation this was wreaking on her son. And crying, just like a lot of us do.

I am really happy for those of you that always look on the bright side of life. But I am not in a Monty Python movie and I'm not going to sugar coat it. This illness has stripped me of too much. I guess for those of you that can tell a lot about someone by their response will see me as a bitter angry unhappy person who's never had to deal with anything bad in her life and therefore can't handle this well. You would be wrong in that assumption. I have had more than my share of bad things happen and still managed to be a fairly upbeat person for the most part.

I still love a good joke and I still laugh. But you will never hear me say there is any good from this illness. morgan

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Michelle...yes, I know that site was talking of Shy Drager now and will edit that post..don't want to scare new folks to this stuff.

But as I see many with OI go in wheelchairs, motorscooters, semi-bedbound, I don't believe folks are CHOOSING to go downhill...I think many of us with OI do get worse and like Grubb and others have said, it's really too complex to know why.

He doesn't even know why they can help some and not others. I believe that is stated on the conference tapes.

Morgan, I so hear you though your situation is scarier than mine with your physical downhill slide and kids involved.

But like you, I have learned nothing in this illness that I didn't know before. I still love a good joke, love to laugh, filter the news of the day that I take into my brain, and still love the little things in life...watching my cats, the birds out the window...the HYSTERICAL squirrels.

So just because some state a reality of their struggles, doesnt make them an ungrateful social malcontent.

And share as much as we do on any message board, you do NOT KNOW PEOPLE into you sit with them, in person,...or talk to them to her the sarcasm, tongue in cheek or funny delivery of a comment. And yes, sometimes desperation.

But after 15 years, I have learned to lived possitively with this illness or I would've pulled the plug long ago.

After all, the essence of who we are is NOT define dby what we do but who we are INSIDE.

As much as message boards are a REAL SUPPORT and godsend for many, it's darn near impossible to SEE and know the person behind the words.

I am grateful as heck for the Internet and the folks who took time to call me from far away, in the middle years of this illness, to teach and share about OI. Before the Internet I lived to get the CFIDS Chronicle.


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good topic.. I can realte to alot of what everbody has said...

for me I think that the good thing that came out of my illness.. is after living with it for 20+ yrs. I finally had a diagnosis.. found a doctor (dr. Borowski and dr. grubb) who recognized what was wrong me.

So I finally had a name for some of the mystery things going on with me... so for me it was good to have a name.. something to call... and that some experts in the field have confirmed to the reat o the docs who treated me over the years that i was NOT CRAZY and that I DO NOT suffer from a Mental illness.. when in reality i suffer from a severe debilitating chronic illness.. and that it is REAL and that it is not all in my head..

So I hve that comfort in knowing I'm not nuts.. and that I was validated..


Um since I was sick my whole life.. you know I allready had compasion and empathy for persons w/ disabilities.. or who were different... and for people who arent sick as well..

thsi past week after having my visit w/bev.. I was disappointed b/c they cant tell me why I'm getting so bad.. and not better.. or explain the paralysis that is absolutely terrifying. not to mention everything else.. I want answers more then anything.. even if there isnt a nything that i can do about.. I'd like to know.. like imentioned in another post.we dont know why I or others are so bad off with this potsy business.. only that we are.. and I believe that in my case (as well as a few others on the board) that there is something more then pots involved... just that there is so little understood right now.. generally speaking on alot of illness's...(I mean no disrespect to the researcher and docs taht devote there lives /careeers to find a cure or answer)...only that so little is actuall know...

Like why do ernie-morgan and i paralysis..why do I have out of body experiences when this happens? Why does belinda's nose throbb all the time?? why do some people get better while other get worse/ we dont know!!

However.. I have found that thru the past few yrs.. especially this past year.. that my faith has grown stronger.. and that I have more inner peace with in myself..and I do not fear dying..as its going to ahppen to everybody...

I dont know if I have "grown" b/c of my illness or just my own journey of discovery..or healing process of blows that life has dealt me... But I have and I'm certain that it played a key into things..

so here a re my thoughts on things..nothing miraculous.. other then i'm am calmer and more at peace with in my self.. which that is in and of itself all that I need...for me it is a blessing.. w/ o it right now i think i would be a wreck considering things that are happening to me... and the lack of answer as to why...

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I now realize that just because a person doesn't look sick, doesnt mean that they aren't sick. Boy is this a real eye opener.


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I, too, was a nurse... and a good nurse. But nothing, no medical book, no dictionary prepared me for the bone-numbing fatigue that we must deal with. I have a while new appreciation for that word....


Dysautonomia.... it ain't for chickens!!!!!! :angry:

Yes, it did make me nutty for a long time. And I was also a person who always stopped and smelled the roses. But I feel like I have to do my best every day to enjoy this time I have left on this earth. So I keep on scratchin'!

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I hear you Dawg! :)

I feel like the birds, and squirrels appreciate all the feeders and bring SO MUCH enjoyment to my daily life. I clean the bird baths daily and make sure there is fresh water and not ice.

The birds and squirrels will get a drink as soon as I get back in the house!!LOL.

I love the little creatures!!

I have an upside down finch feeder right outside my bedroom window so I can see it from bed :)

ANd there is a table in my room, under the window so the cats can 'spy' on the birds. :angry::D:D

P.s. Did you hear about that lady that gave CPR to a chicken? She was on Jay Leno this week and it was a MAJOR SCREAM.

Terry Bradshaw already had Jay so wound up that by the time the lady came on with little Boo Boo the chicken, it was just comical.

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Although I would give anything not to have gone through this and hate the misery of this illness, I think I learned a lot from this illness about friends, family, priorties, taking care of myself, etc. I think my answer to this post would have been a lot different if my form of POTS were more severe and wasn't getting better. I can understand how those of you whose POTS is more debilitating don't see anything positive.

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