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Being born Premie and POTS


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I am wondering tonight about something. DO any of you think (weather or not your where full term or premature) that premature births can have an effect on dysuatonomia??

I want to clarify that I'm not saying that if you are born early that you are going to have pots or something.. I am just wondering for my own research/curiousity..

I ask b/c I was a premature birth..I was born at just about 26 wks gestation (3 1/2 months early).. and I was so very small ( 1lb and 5 oz.. and 12 inches long..) and had SO many problems thru-out life in general with health...and a very rough start to say the least.. it is believe that I was born with pots.. and have well had it since infancy..I have also had tachycardia since infancy..

so i am curious if any one has thought this too.. or are now POTSY and was born early or had trauma/diffficulty at birth/delivery??

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I was born at 42 weeks. My mom had a wonderful pregnancy and easy birth. I believe I have had pots all my life. It just gets worst, as I get older. :(

I personally think there is a connection with our personalities. Perfectionists, hard working.. To much pressure on our bodies. Something got to give. Have you ever noticed that most of us are educated go-getters. We can handle allot in life. Pots, need I say more? B)

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I was born a week late. I was due on my grandmother's birthday!

The suggestion about personality was interesting. I'm educated, and as a copyeditor/proofreader I've had to be a perfectionist, but I don't think that's why I have POTS. I think it's why I KNOW I have POTS. Perhaps you have to have those personality traits to be able to swim upstream against the tide of "it's all in your head" and get a correct diagnosis.

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I was full term. I think that your restrictive lung disease and allergies, as well as GERD, could be linked to premature birth, because these conditions are more likely to occur in preemies. But as for the others, I don't believe there is a specific link. However, just based on common sense, it's safe to say if you are born prematurely -- especially as premature as you were -- then you are more likely to have certain health risks. Even if being premature is the cause, what can you do ... we all are dealt a different hand.

I'm so sorry you've had to endure so many health conditions. Just keep persevering, and try to appreciate the life you have. Easy to say, I know ... I have to tell myself this every day!


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I was a month early due to abruption of the placenta. I really think this is all going to boil down to a genetic thing at some point. That's just my opinion. My son has a type of arthritis that is genetic and carried from his dad. Not one single person on his dad's side has ever had it, as far back as they can go.

So I think it's a dominant recessive thing. A lot of people have this gene, but not everyone that has it, gets it. On the other hand almost 100% of people who get this arthritis have the gene. It took a long time to figure this out. They also discovered that if the spouse had a particular gene, and the child got sick, their long term outlook was poorer.

I think of pots along these lines. They are now finally saying there is a genetic link to cfids. It's just a matter of time. A long time, but good things come to those who wait....right corina? morgan

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Guest Julia59

I was born full term----7lbs 2oz.---------------I also had a faster then normal heart rate all my life, but I didn't relly crash hard until 2000------and a short lived spell or two in the 80s and 90s when they diagnosed MVP which was later proved I didn't have---or at least not significant.

Linda, you have had multiple health problems, and I think your ANS problems are part of that. It's hard to say, if you had been born full term, you still may have ended up with ANS problems. I think you said your mom may have some form of dysautonomia, and it could also be genetic. This is so confusing---and so many things can cause ans dysfunction secondary to something else---or it could be primary with no rhyme or reason. Don't you just love it----- :)

You are the mystery girl----and I wish you had a team of doctors that were all cooperating with eachother to help find more answers for you. I just feel you didn't have a fair shake when you started investigating---and looking for answers to the many questions you had. On a more positive note, I think your team of Docs IS starting to build, and I think there is a little sunshine poking out

As far as being "well educated" being a possible cause----well I don't think it has anything to do with it other then they may be under more stress----AND WE ALL KNOW STRESS CAN BE A TRIGGER.

Julie :0)

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It could very well be that your premature birth predisposed you to health issues. It's difficult to prove.

I think my health issues could be related to the fact that they performed a "fluoroscope" (consists of x-rays) of my mother all over her body when she was three months pregnant with me. Back in 1951 they didn't know better. I wound up with cancer of the thyroid at the age of 20 (probably was predisposed my entire life), and ANS irregularities my entire life. My POTS diagnosis was at 51 years old.

Again, it's difficult to prove, but that's my theory.

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I agree with calypso/Amy that preemies are predisposed to certain health problems, but POTS does not appear to be one of them--but who knows--not enough is understood about POTS. I do remember reading recently that there appears to be a link between adult onset high blood pressure and pre-term birth, and that is related to autonomic nervous system function. I also agree with morgan that I suspect that genetics play a large role in POTS. One of my sisters also has POTS (and, btw, both of us were full-term, 40 weeks and 38 weeks.)

I also doubt that there is a link of personality and POTS. There may be a link between education and appropriate diagnosis, since as we are all well aware, it takes a lot of sleuthing and research to find appropriate care for this condition.

I hope you find effective treatment and good relief from your symptoms soon.


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hey all !

thanks for the input!

I was just wondering if anybody else wondered about a correlation in premature births and dysautonomia..

I know that while I dont think that it is the SOLE cause for my POTS... but do believe that it did play a part however or whatever that part may be... causing the body to not be able to fight off infections and virus as well a healthy kids my age...specialist told my parents over and over that i was just going to be a very sick child.. and that there was nothing that they could do to prevent it..(in the early 80's)..YEAH! a sick child with POTS!

I feel that there is are many factors involved in me personally having pots.. enviromental and genetic..(i am most certain that my mom and grandmother have some form of dysautonomia).. as well as factors that have yet to be determined!! itruly believe taht I was born this way.. and that this for whatever reason is the way things are suppose to be for me..why i dont know..but these are the cards I was dealt.. trying to find a way to put my ducks in arow i suppose..

i was just thinking last nigth as I layed on the couch unable to sleep.. and thought I'd ask what you all thought..

I am trying to find the "link" so to speak..

thanks guys!!

and julie.. yes maybe alittle peak.. a little slither of light peering thru!

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As a matter of fact, my twin sister and I are indeed identical. I'm guessing my twin is quite vulnerable to POTS since I have it, but the difference between why I have it and she doesn't right now is the string of viral infections I suffered from that triggered my symptoms. But I hope she stays healthy!!

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Hi everyone,

Chrissy also has a twin, a brother, who is healthy. They were also preemies, born at 30 weeks--3 lbs. 11 oz and her brother was 3lbs. 9 oz. I've asked every Dr. we've been to if there is any correlation between being a preemie and POTS and they've all said they didn't think so, including Dr. Grubb. They were in the hospital for about 6 weeks b/f coming home. Up until Chrissy was l5 yrs. old they never had any other problems, except for the normal childhood illnesses. I wonder if they've done any thorough studies on it though.


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  • 10 years later...
  • 5 years later...

Hi all, this is such an interesting thread, and something I've only just become aware of. I was born about 4 weeks early, and was hypoxic and had jaundice so was in an incubator for several days. I've always been very small for my age, very physically weak, prone to throwing up regularly and have since been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum and ADHD. Standing for long periods has always made me feel unwell, exercise is even worse, and humid heat is my nemesis. Stress and GI issues are becoming more of a problem with time. I've had fainting episodes, which were attributed to vasovagal syncope. I've only recently become aware that dysautonomia is actually a much larger issue than passing out occasionally, or even that it can be treated. Back to preemie birth, I was just reading some research articles that said preterm babies can have impaired autonomic function, especially in the parasympathetic nervous system. Might have something to do with not having the skin-to-skin contact at birth?? Of course I was born in the 80's, and no one knew about that then.

Anyway, I wish there were more definite answers to this issue! Best of luck to you all in taking care of yourselves ❤️ 


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