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an update and a goodbye


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Hi Hayley

Has anyone ever addressed your EDS and how it may effect your body? EDS will cause laxed vessels in your body and effects blood pooling and blood pressure issues. Plus chronic forms of pain in joints and various pains in muscles etc...also fatigue. Wishing you the best.

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Guest Belinda

Hayley-I am fairly new here but thought I would pipe in..I have been dealing with POTS only for a year but I was just diagnosed this past DEC. I have to post that I was labeled Anxiety Disorder/PTSD/GAD/depression and those were all at different times.This isn't all in your head!

I spent 2 1/2 wks. all together in a psych. unit because I believed that there was something wrong with me mentally. I had depression also because of the POTS symptoms...and no diagnoses!This was after my cardiologist was told to do a tilt and didn't! My symptoms were horrific..feeling unsteady on feet was just a small one..like being drunk!

Yes, I am sure many of us do have psychological stuff going on but who wouldn't if their bodies turned into chaos...This so much irritates me.

I like others wish you could come to US and see a better doc at least the right ones!

I repeat I have severe sympthetic dysfunction/not just one area.. many are affected! i truly thought I was just going crazy..and started believing it..which was untrue maybe from the frustration I was!!

I know this is easy to say because I am over here and oyu are over there and I haven't been on here long.

Just don't give up that's all..

Whoever said this disease is like MS..I was also told that by neuro. It is it affects sooo many areas in some of us.

Take care and I hope you will continue to post when you can!!Big HUGS to you too!

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