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Face Ache!

Guest CyberPixie

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Guest CyberPixie

For the past 5 days or so, I've had stiffness in the left side of my jaw and pain. It's spread to the bone under my eye and it's giving me toothache in my wisdom tooth. Left side of face is slightly swollen and warm to touch.

Not sure if I have an abscess in my wisdom tooth though there's no pressure feeling on the tooth like there normally would be with an abscess or my Ehlers-Danlos has spread to my jaw. My joints have got so much worse since I started reducing my steroids.

Then again, I read up on TMJ and see that there's a connection with autonomic dysfunction and jaw pain/swelling.

Just want this horrible feeling in my face to go away!

Anyone else had this? (Just wanted to see if it is a POTS thing or not)

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I don't mean to frighten you but with those type symptoms I would go to the doc as soon as you can.

When you have warmth and swelling to the facial area it usually means infection that requires an antibiotic. It could be a sinus thing or tooth abscess either way don't ignore it. We have EDS as well and have not experienced such a thing as being part of EDS. Warmth & swelling are never a good thing together like that.

good luck and hope you feel better soon.

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