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Vision problems w/ dysautonomia


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Does anyone else have vision changes since they developed POTS? My vision is very bad when I am symptomatic. I can't read because the words blur together and my eyes are very sensitive and tire easily. I have had a full eye workup and the eyes are normal, it's something systemic that is causing it. Just wondering if it's normal in POTS.


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i have terrible visual trouble whenever my symptoms are worse. it can get so bad that even my glasses are useless watching tv. i can't read or sew and i just have to listen to what is going on around me. sometimes it is a little scary, but it does end after a few hours. i drink tons of liduids and just rest till it ends.

best of luck,

blackwolf :)

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Hi.. i have a great deal of vision problems/disturbances as well.. my vision is a norm.. very blurry and floaters galor!.....when my pots is acting up very badly.. i get even mmore floaters and black dimming vision... and my eyes are always very sensitive to light of any kind.. more during a potsy spell..

I see alot of double blurry bouncing vision.. especially if i try to read or look at a clock or something with digital numbers.. i see double.. and the Numbers.. "dance" LOL.. really they move all about.. as do words on a page.. bounce up and down!!

its nuts!! sometimes if i take anap.. or put a cool cloth on my eyes it helps.. that a drinking some water or gatorade.. helps too..

good luck...

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Guest Belinda

i noticed when i first starting having symptoms my vision was like looking through water and major floaters I have the floaters all the time of course I am not being treated yet for my Pots except for Toprol which I have been on for almost 5 yrs. Any ways, the vision stuff is weird doesn't matter if I have my contacts in our not. I especially notice them in bright lights or in daylight.

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My vision is horrible, but worse when my symptoms are worse. Some morinings I get up and can barely see enough to get to the bathroom. Although I do have Glaucoma, and the beginning of Macular Degeneration. I dont know if those two are causing it or this other stupid disorder. My eyes seem to be getting worse day by day. I do have an appointment with my eye doc next month though. I would ask him, but he doesnt know anything about autonomic disorders. Vanessa

Does anyone else have vision changes since they developed POTS? My vision is very bad when I am symptomatic. I can't read because the words blur together and my eyes are very sensitive and tire easily. I have had a full eye workup and the eyes are normal, it's something systemic that is causing it. Just wondering if it's normal in POTS.


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Guest Belinda

I feel like I am constantly looking through water and I get floaters especially when it is bright out and I look down and then up they follow my line of vision and I never had a problem til just recently it has to do with the autonomic nervous system I was just toold theat today

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