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anyone else feel like they have really bad flu when bp drops?


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I feel SO sick with the low bp- I can't even brush my teeth without retching- yeah, there's something weird going on with my swallowing as well, but I digress.

So- I'm lying in bed with the electric blanket on, and tomorrow my 7,000 word essay is due. Worth 25% of my degree. Hmmm....I've got the conclusion to do, but mostly it's all done- I'm just tweaking here and there...

BUt I am SO sore I could cry. I haven't been sleeping or eating at all well, you know what I'm like0 I always want everything to be perfect.

anyway, it started in the library today- I got that parched thirst, and felt the room starting to spin, so I loeft before I fell over, and I'm now back in the flat but feeling so rubbish. Even typing- the strain on my arms and neck is just too much..

I don't want to fall at the last hurdle!

Do any of you get this horrible fluey achy feeling when your bp drops? My legs, my arms, my neck EVERYTHING is sore today :angry:

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I'm so sorry you feel so badly. Do you think you picked up a virus of some sort that could be making your symptoms worse?

I will keep good thoughts that you will be able to finish up your paper...... Feel better soon!

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Hey Pres,

I get this feeling every now and then..even run a low grade fever but not ness. in conjunction with low bp. My doc. feels there is a tie in to the autoimmune system with POTS but no real research connection yet. It could be a virus I suppose but I know the symptoms you are discribing..I feel almost flu like..not the normal POTS stuff. Maybe some day we'll know the answers?! :angry:

If you don't improve or get a fever go see a doc. and make sure there's nothing else going on!

Hope you feel better soon..good luck with your paper!

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:( Oh Persephone, I know exactly how u feel...I can always tell when I'm becoming run down as the first thing that tends to kick in is the chronic aching and nerve pain with the M.E side. Does it only occur with hypotension or could it be that u too are becoming run down if u aren't eating and sleeping too well. I know it's really hard for u.

I'm sending u big hug but won't squeeze too hard cause it b***** hurts!! I'm just starting my night shift feeling like an eighty year old :angry: and walking like i'm drunk, :o with a support brace on my back in order to try and keep me a bit more upright during the night! lmso! I'll send it ur way when my shift over!

U take care babe...I'll keep my eye out foe some caring men to come and give us a gentle massage!!! he he x

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yeppers, that's a normal day for me. I always used to tell my doctor that I felt like I'd run a marathon the night before--every muscle and joint hurt in the morning and I was sore all day. He basically said "your heart did"--meaning, my heart's tachy episodes were like doing sprints over and over all day long. He basically said, "well, no wonder you're tired!"

You need to be careful with yourself, sleep as much as you need to, and be sure to stay hydrated.


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You're right Nina- whenever anyone says "could you actually have the flu?" it makes me laugh because that would mean I had flu almost every single day in life. Even I'm not capable of that....

I just finished the essay and all the bibliography work- 6,918 words, 85 texts cited!


I did it- I have now formally completed my first term at Oxford!!!

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