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neck pain


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hi all,

well i have had body jerks for a long time but recently they have increased with family stress. :wub: anywho, my neck, back shoulders hurt like heck, and i have gone to the chiropactor today but recently had another body jerking spell and now my neck and headache are much worse...any ideas? im looking into massage but i am thinking about wearing a neck brace so i can't whip my head around like my mom says i do.

(i don't remember having the body jerks but boy do i feel it afterwards, and normally they last for about 5 to 10 minutes they used to be longer).


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hi all,

well i have had body jerks for a long time but recently they have increased with family stress. :wub: anywho, my neck, back shoulders hurt like heck, and i have gone to the chiropactor today but recently had another body jerking spell and now my neck and headache are much worse...any ideas? im looking into massage but i am thinking about wearing a neck brace so i can't whip my head around like my mom says i do.

(i don't remember having the body jerks but boy do i feel it afterwards, and normally they last for about 5 to 10 minutes they used to be longer).



when i have what i call my "episodes", in which i get hot,dizzy, lightheaded, and then pass out and start having 'tremors' my whole body aches.. usually my legs are very stiff after they happen and it takes a few minutes for me to be able to move them freely again. my episodes usuallly lsat 5-10 minutes also, but i have had quite a few that have lasted up to 40 minutes. i have been to the chiropractor and it does make me feel better for a few hours afterwards but then it doesnt do much good when i have another episode. i have also thought about having a massage but then again, im not so sure that would even help. i have considered even gettin a back brace to wear so that i can keep my back in a good position. like you, i also dont remember the jerking i do when i have my episodes.. all i remember when i come back to conciousness is that i felt hot and dizzy and passed out. i have terrible migranes all the time now and along wiht that usually comes nausea. i have heard the best therapy is any kind of water therapy. my doctor said that any kind of water exercises are great because it helps the circualtion. feel free to email me on here or at my personal email (singlegirl03@hotmail.com).. if you have msn or aol i would love to talk with you about it. its interesting finding out about other people who have the same condiditon i have and finding out how long they have had it, their symptoms, and how they deal with it.

hope that helped any at all


Edited by bRitTaNy
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Guest Belinda

Hi. I started getting terrible pains in my neck when this all started and I did go to massage.

It did help quite a bit. I had cranial-sacral therapy done. Gave me so much energy afterwards.

I also went to chiroprator, do know if that helped sometimes it would release tension.

But I know exactly what you are talking about. And i just started getting the body tremors in my legs.

Ugh. How frustrating isn't it?

Massage did help though.


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I am soooo glad that I decided to read up tonight. I origanally was going to get on here and whine A LOT, but I just read your question an neck aches and etc. Anyway, for two weeks now the lower part of my neck, right shoulder blade and all the way around to my breast bone have been spasming and the pain was and is still excrutiating all of the sudden. In between pains I am left dizzy and my eyes are sensitive to movement, the front of my head is heavy feeling and the brain fog is terrible. About 30 min after saying to my Dad " At least my speech is giong crazy", I started slurring words and losing my thoughts. My typing is atrocious and stuff. The ER was baffled last Saturday and checked me for a blood clot in the arm amd neck and that was negative. They prescribed meds for pain and home I went. I followed up with my regular doc who also was lost. He knowes nothing about Dysautomnia and said I probably have muscular pain or a shoulder injury. But for the last two days the pain is more intense and i keep blacking out then getting up and I am o.k for a few minutes, the right leg gives out and I quiver on that side. Now after reading your post I know that is just another thing for me. It is sad but at least we are not alone. These symptoms of ours can be scary and frustrating. Thanks for listening and I hope your POTSY days end soon.

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I read your post and was a little concerned when you said "after reading your post I know it's just another thing for me". I want to strongly suggest that if you continue to have these symptoms..ie. pain, speech problems and weakness on your right side..PLEASE seek medical attention. I know that you said your doc. doesn't know much about dysautonomia..and this MAY be related to POTS..but it may NOT.

This disorder is baffeling and comes with all sorts of strange symptoms but we have to be careful not to attribute EVERY symptom to it. I know that you have already visited the ER and they sent you home..BUT if you see no improvement or have worsening of these symptoms you need to have a doctor investigate further.

I'm not trying to scare you..just want to make sure everything is okay! :lol:

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Thanks Wareagle for your concern. The symptoms do worry me especially since they mimic many other things like strokes. I have been to the ER so many times in the past year that I am talking myself out of it. I am keeping my family informed (sometimes I feel like I am whining to much and they aren't listening) so that they know if I get to bad or pass out they can tell the Doc what's going on. I will take your advice and promise to go to the ER if I feel too bad.


Merry Christmas

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I echo wareagle, except that I think you should have a complete discussion of your symptoms with your primary care doc (PCP), not keep repeating visits to the ER. As a former ER nurse, I want to stress that the function of the ER is to address "emergent" problems, like to rule out a blood clot. Almost all ERs will tell you to follow up with your PCP in their discharge instructions. It is the job of your PCP to do a complete medical workup to find the cause of your symptoms. I'm concerned that you're never going to understand this issue if all you do is keep going to the ER, unless of course, it progresses to such a serious state that you are "emergent" when you visit the ER. And we all know that's NOT where you want to go.

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You are all right. Unfortunetly this was a 1st visit to my new PCM and he is in Statesville NC. We are military active duty here for two years while my husband recruites for the Army. I had just got my diagnosis in May 05 and finally found two docs that were listening and studying up on this whole dysautomnia stuff. THen poof we moved. So I have to start all over. The docs at the military base are really out of the loop with this POTS and OI stuff. They were cluless in 04 when I continued to have chest pain and lightheadedness after a year from having my Pulmonary Embolisms. So I am dilligently looking for a doc that the Tricare people will work with and who is at the very least , knows and reconizes this illness as what it is and will help me out a little.

Thanks for all the support and advice,


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