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Health Insurance


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So yesterday I got a bill from when I was in the hospital in Mid. October... last time I was in for a week, I had a co-pay of $100 for the entire week... this time I was in for 4 days and I received a bill for $750!! I called the hospital who told me that my insurance company said my copay was $750. I called the insurance co. and was told that my plan changed and now the copay is $250 per day (full 24hrs) you spend in the hospital. I came to work and fought with my boss who said he knew the plan changed but he didnt know what the copay was.. and what difference did it make because I had to go in the hospital no matter what, and that he paid me for the 10 days I was out so just use that money. I said I was out for 4 days not 10 and I dont have the money to pay the bill and his response was the premiums went up what do you want me to say would you rather pay your monthly premiums and I walked out. I am soo annoyed!! He has been nothing but understanding about my illness thus far and my point was that if our policy changed we should have been notified. Yes I would have known this bill was coming but at least I would have been prepared! Sorry I just needed to vent... so know I have to pay this bill and pray that the hospital will work out some kind of plan with me b/c I dont have the money.

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Hi, I can relate with you about bills. I didn't have any insurance last year for a while because I couldnt work and was waiting to get approved for some type of insurance (didn't happen). I am still paying thousands of dollars worth of hospitals bills. Not like we asked for any of this!! B)

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The policy should not change in the middle of the year!

It looks like you live in NY and that state does have some "non-traditional" insurance rules. You may want to file a complaint with the NY state insurance commissioner's office.

Meanwhile, pay whatever you can each month on your hospital bill. Usually, they won't report you to the credit bureaus as long as you are consistent in paying them (although they may turn it over to a collection agency but most likely it will not affect your credit as long as you pay monthly). Keep in mind it costs them money both to turn it over to a collection agency and to go to the extreme of garnishing your wages so as long as you show good faith effort they won't wast any more of their money than they have to.

If they say, "you have to pay this off in 3 months to avoid collection agency say Ok. I can only afford $x so do what you have to do and I will pay you $x amount per month" and try not to worry about it.

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