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I don't have POTS symptoms continuously. They wax and wane, ebb and flow over the course of hours, days or months. But when I am about to get a really bad attack--an autonomic storm I think others call it--I get certain "pre-symptoms" or warning signs. Usually it consists of me feeling physically quite good--no dizziness, palpitations etc. But mentally I feel very subdued. I get very quiet and reluctant to interract with others. A queer kind of stillness comes over me. It's almost like the calm before the storm, to use a cliche. Then about two hours later I will suddenly become very dizzy, often to the point of near syncope, my systolic or diastolic pressure will drop, I'll get tachy etc etc. That's just what happened to me this afternoon. I was sitting in a meeting and I felt very subdued, didn't contribute with anything like my usual enthusiasm (or rather outrage given what is going on at work!). I felt totally disconnected and indifferent. Then, once I got home, I started having the usual symptoms. The screen is circulating before my eyes as I type!

Does anyone else experience this and/or can anyone explain this? As I get warning symptoms, I wish there was some way I could circumvent the coming collapse.


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Yeah i get that before the 'storm' sets in and the adrenalin stars pumping. Its weird - for me I usually have a really good day before one of these - I feel great, then start to feel tired and then cold - i get goose bumps and then I start to feel almost jumpy and feel apprehension - then the tremors start and the rest... I have no idea why this occurs.

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:rolleyes: The nature of the beast it seems. I will have good days and I know when I have a few good days, the invevitable is waiting to happen, the surges, chills etc.

As strange as this sounds, sometimes feeling normal makes me feel strange, so used to having the feelings that when they are not there I wonder what is wrong now :lol:

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Good Morining India, Yes I am starting to hate those good days. My mind tells me that what ever was wrong with me is gone, and I try to start leading a normal life, then wham it hits me again. I get so tired of it that I just want to scream. My daughter tells me to be glad that I have the good days, and it is not a continual thing, but I always seem to do the same thing. I think that it is over. I guess we are not alone in these stupid symptoms. Mrs Glass

I don't have POTS symptoms continuously. They wax and wane, ebb and flow over the course of hours, days or months. But when I am about to get a really bad attack--an autonomic storm I think others call it--I get certain "pre-symptoms" or warning signs. Usually it consists of me feeling physically quite good--no dizziness, palpitations etc. But mentally I feel very subdued. I get very quiet and reluctant to interract with others. A queer kind of stillness comes over me. It's almost like the calm before the storm, to use a cliche. Then about two hours later I will suddenly become very dizzy, often to the point of near syncope, my systolic or diastolic pressure will drop, I'll get tachy etc etc. That's just what happened to me this afternoon. I was sitting in a meeting and I felt very subdued, didn't contribute with anything like my usual enthusiasm (or rather outrage given what is going on at work!). I felt totally disconnected and indifferent. Then, once I got home, I started having the usual symptoms. The screen is circulating before my eyes as I type!

Does anyone else experience this and/or can anyone explain this? As I get warning symptoms, I wish there was some way I could circumvent the coming collapse.


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