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Surgery update

Mrs. Glass

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Well the surgery is finally over, and boy am I glad. It was almost postponed due to my low b/p, but my surgeon explained to the anesthesiologist (sp?) that the docs could not regulate my b/p until he fixed my back. So he finallly agreed. I was really scared, but I made it through it. I lost more blood then usual, but I came through ok. I am having a really bad time with my b/p right now as it is low and when I stand up it really drops to the point that I almost pass out everytime. They had to put in an a-line to control my b/p and the surgeon said that the anasthesiologist earned his money that day, but he kept my b/p perfect, He could not do it ortho so I have a 4 inch scar on my back, and it is very hard to get around. I may be able to sit here to type out this but I know that will be all. I am hoping that I will be able to keep my appt with the neuro on 30th. as I do not want to delay this any longer. Plus I have met my out of pocket expenses for the year and my insurance will pay all of it. So I will just have to see. I will wait a couple of days before I start to set at the computer again for any length of time. Talk to you all later. :) Mrs. Glass aka Vanessa

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I'm glad the surgery went okay for you, hope you have a speedy recovery!!

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