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Squirting Noise in my Neck/Head


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I just thought I'd put this on here and see if anyone else experiences the same thing. Everyday, especially around noon, I can hear/feel fluid squirting up and down the back of my neck/head (inside my head and neck).

I've asked some of my friends and they don't have any idea what I am talking about.

I've also asked my neurologist, and she doesn't have an explaination for it.

Whilst it isn't painful, I feel kind of relieved once it has happened.

Is this normal??? Maybe I am just sensitive and can feel/hear it whereas others can't???

Just thought I'd see if anyone else knows about this.


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Wow, I think I know what you are talking about but I don't know. Do you feel faint before it happens?? I never had that happen to me, but I am interesting as to what it could possibly be.

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Never heard of that before... not sure what it is that you're describing, but I'm fairly certain I've never experienced it. Hmm? hope you find an answer...or at least figure out that it's harmless. Nina

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No, I don't feel faint or anything before hand - I feel fine, but after it's happened, it feels like a relief - like when you pop a black head B) it doesn't bother you too much before, but feels good once it's gone.

There is no pain or anything involved. Just the sound and feeling of fluid squirting....

Must just be a design flaw.

Anyhow, I'm seeing the neurologist later this week. I'll ask her again, and see if she can come up with something.

I'm not worried about it - just wanted to know if anyone else experiences it. As no-one I know has a clue what I mean.

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Guest Finrussak

I get a funny sound but not squooshing if I try to crack my neck ( twisting side to side to relieve pain/pressure) thats louder and stranger ever since the neuro damage travelled into my inner and outer left ear leaving me partially deaf and numb. I get vibratory humming which often sound like a very bad horns section...and quite dizzying too. My otic nerve and other facial nerves are affected by high and low inflammations due to the MBTI

My LLMD listend to my neck during one such time and said all he heard was a "pop"/"crackle" and thought it was the neck vertebrae...like popping knuckles...some joint have fluid others a gel (like discs in spine) and sometimes air bubbles and or fluid/gel moving against the bones makes my joints make funny noises--so maybe youre hearing something similar??? If your neuro rules everything else out and says its "nothing", it may be . Theyre always giving me periodic MRIs to make sure my ear/neck noises arent anything serious like acoustic neuromas, or carotid artery blockages/spasms ( for those I have gotten MRA's which are MRI's with arterial video/echo watching blood flow in real-time).

I hope your noises are as non-serious as mine are!!!

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Guest Belinda

I have been telling docs for quite some time now that I get this funny feeling in my neck.

And sometimes when I my neck cracks I get this really funny sensation. I pretty much crack everywhere

but I feel it in my head in neck most like a rushing feeling.

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Guest Finrussak

another thought. I have always despised turtlenecks ( feel like theyre choking me...blood wise, not air wise)and never could- even pre-Lyme- tolerate leaning back for a hair wash at the salon...got me dizzy etc...and if I turn to far to either side it feels like pressure and when I go back to normal positioning, there is a sound and feeling like blood rushing back to my head. my cardiologist from 15 yrs ago when I was first dealing with mis diagnosed Lyme listened to the carotids and exclaimed that I have particularly prominent and sensitive ones...and perhaps I was partially compressing them against the bony parts of my neck ( or fleshy parts), and then allowing blood to re-flow. He had me turn my head and listened again and made a face and said he never heard that happen before but the flow was definitely less....other than cautioning me to have a carotid ultrasound when I hit 50 to make sure about fatty deposits not worsening things...he had nothing else to say.

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  • 13 years later...

I’m super late but i know exactly what your talking about. Happens to me all the time and it wasn’t until

today while it was happening that i got curious on what it is. Isn’t painful at all quite interesting but i feel like it’s some released in all humans ratheroften cause it happens to me often 

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I doubt anyone is still looking at this thread, but I stumbled upon it when I googled “squirting sensation at base of skull” - I used to get this every day when I got hungry. No whooshing or neck cracking just a liquid squirting sound that was loud enough to me to think others might be able to hear it. They couldn’t. 

One of the things I’ve noticed is that it stopped around the time I started eating too much and putting on weight. I really think it may be something to do with the hypocampus (didn’t want to lose what I’d written by looking that spelling up) and may even have had something to do with my weight gain. Well, even if nobody is still reading, at least I know I’m not alone. 


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Hello, Glad this post is still active. I have also experienced this. It only occurs at night and not too often. It sounds like somebody is squirting fluid out of a small hole inside the back of my neck....like if you have a tube and squeeze something out of it

 It just happened tonight so I thought I would google it. A little about me...i started having seizures 5ish years ago. In my early 20s I was found to have intercranial hypertension though it was not confirmed when I saw a different doctor. I was treated by the first doc with diuretics and a spinal tap and have been monitored for it periodically. Never had another issue with it. I also have high BP which has been treated for several months now.

Coincidences? It hasnt happened in a while.. Possibly months. This week I have been feeling that me salt intake must be higher or bp meds need to be increased. I've starting getting headaches again. 

Somebody mentioned thst it happens when they are hungry. That really caught my attention. It always happens when I wake up in the middle of the night and lay in bed trying to fall asleep. I'm always hungry when this happens and usually in bed trying to get myself to sleep despite a growling stomache. Also, the past two nights are the first nights since I started my BP meds that I have had to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.


Somebody in this forum mentioned a csf leak. I've wondered about in the past but for a differe,t symptom. Occasionally, I have a still noise and sensation in my head. It has been a while but, if I remember correctly, it felt like it was near my eyes.

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  • 3 months later...

Mine sounds like something sizzling. I have found that it comes at the base of my skull and always when I am hungry. I’ve googled it before and other people mention a sizzling or crackling but none of them mentioned dysautonomia (which I have). Someone did mention that their husband has been laying in bed close to them and heard it so I tried recording it and caught it on recording. Still don’t know what it is though. 

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  I have something similar, but not quite what you are talking about. My neck and shoulders will sound and feel like they are creaking like some old hinges or something. It is painful and I usually have to crack my neck after to relieve it. It's weird. I am curious that a lot of you guys know exactly what she is talking about. Good luck trying to figure it out :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I’ve had this for years. Mine is more at the front of my neck/throat than back. I alsways assumed it my thyroid since I have hashimotos. To me it sounds/feels like squirting and it’s almost always when I lay down. I think it might always be on en empty stomach to so, I thought maybe something related to salivary  glands. I do have pulsitile tinnitus but it’s not that. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just looked this up, I’ve had this a little here and there, but this morning it’s a lot. I don’t know what the noise is, but it’s very scary. I am not having other symptoms (besides maybe a little stiffness in neck). With how loud it is to me I’d think I’d be messed up, but I am not. I don’t know if maybe it’s saliva in back of throat that is so close to neck that it sounds like my neck or if it’s the neck it’s self because I hear it when I move too. Very weird and very scary. I used to crack my neck all the time years ago and I have acid reflux (so it could be saliva or neck).

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Guyz.. Not a Doctor but i belong into the medical field.. 

Just wanted to conduct a survey so that  i can access the similarities of this case we are into... would like to ask certain questions.. 

1. Traumatic Accident in the Neck

2. Age / Weight

3. Do exercises or Not

4. Is your laboratory results high in Triglycerides and LDL

5. Work or Live in a Cold Environment

6. Always Sit and Play / Work Computers

7. Do have any session from a chiropractor

8. Did you have a MRI Exam? 

9. Dizziness

10. Numbess in hand / forearms / arms

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