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Just curious in alot of posts i see that ppl avoid sodas and drinks with bubbles in it...why is this????

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Jacquie, I'm not sure where you're getting that from about soda. I know many of our members try to eat a healthy diet and sugary drinks aren't all that healthy. Also, some who have reflux don't tolerate acidic foods and beverages--sodas are acidic--so it's not about the bubbles exactly, and more about aggravating gi problems. Some avoide sodas because of caffeine...and some avoid diet beverages because of their beliefs about synthetic sweeteners. Personally, I drink plenty of diet ginger ale and club soda because I'm trying to watch my calorie intake and Splenda doesn't seem to bother me at all.


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well for me personally.. i cannot handle the caffeine in pop..(lots of tachy and potsy stuff..) and I cannnot handle the bubbles in my stomach/intestines.. b/c the bubbles cause me to have a stomach ache.. and keep me running to the bathroom .. I havent drank pop/soda in like over 3-4 urs. now simple b/c for me my body cant handle it..even though I do miss a nice big glass of ice cold cherry coke now and then!

Edited by dizzygirl
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I always keep some Cokes in the fridge because sometimes that's the only thing that will settle my stomach if I'm nauseated and sometimes that is the only thing I can keep down for a meal.

As for caffeine... coffee is the most effective med I have but I know there are others here that can't tolerate it at all.

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Gayla, me too. On a bad day, coffee is my best friend; and if I can't get a coffee, a fully caffienated diet coke and some salty chips will do the trick.


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Thanks guys for the info. I have had no caffeine whatsoever for the past 3 years, no chocolate, coffee, or soda. My heart rate soars with that stuff. Even the decaf bothers me.

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