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Hi New and Coping

Guest Belinda

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Guest Belinda

Wow. I just read through some of the postings I am recently diagnosed with Dysautonomia and will learn :) soon from testing which one as far as I feel I've got them all. J>K!! It is amazing that I will survive this. I am jsut looking to learn and share with others everything about this nasty thing that is going on. My thoughts go out to all of you. I am also mom of two 10 and 6yrs. And have been searching for answers on my dizziness_+ weakness adn palpitations for tooo long.

I will be having testing done Tues. and Wed. at University with Chelimski. Scary stuff.

I am from Ohio so that is lucky that I live so close to 2 very special Doctors in this field.

:) Coping is quite tough I guess that's why i am here! I recently heard the Song"I will Survive" and thought of this Dysautonomia, and it made me laugh!

TAke care everyone, and good to meet ya.

Belinda :)

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welcome belinda (yeah...another ohioan)-

sorry to hear that you have reason to be here but glad that you found us. there's plenty to read on the site to keep you busy (not that you aren't busy enough already with your kids). i live about 5 min from university hospitals so will especially think of you the next two days & hope that you'll get some answers & direction treatment-wise that will be of help. good luck & let us know how it goes.

:) melissa

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Guest Belinda

I was just thinking maybe it's the air in Ohio. HA_HA. Well so far I have dizziness have passed out twice have gastroparesis-ugh, chest pain, palpitations. Fun-stuff.

I am only 20 min South of Cleveland. Thank you for thinking of me. Hey does anyone know if they use Isuprel At TTT at University. My cardio. is doing one tommorow at Southwest and then I have to have it repeated at Uni. on Weds. DOUBLE-HEADER.

Do many of you have same symptoms? I have read that the really fatal disorders happen to people more in there 50- mid.age. I am only 28 and hope I don't have MSA or pure autonomic failure.

I have so many symptoms like numbness in pinky finger-it scares me. Like one day I won't wake up to be there for my kids. The previous neuros I saw said nothing is wrong, you don't have MS or Strokes so it's nothing to worry about. Yeah whatever. I am really trying to be lighthearted but I am sure for many of you in the beginning it was tough. Take care. :ph34r:

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Guest Belinda

One for cardio. and then one because my old family doctor decided that after having an idea that this is what's wrong after going through a year of not knowing I saw an endo. that did some testing and said I think this what you have then I took it to PCP and she looked it up freaked out and made appt. at University.

And I jsut started seeing this new cardiologist because my old one didn't beleive in Dysautonomia or anything else for that matter. So anyways this new cardiologist wanted the TTT done as soon as possible.

I reall don't want two done but I have to go from cardiac and neuro standpoint. And besides if it will help me get into Dr. Chelminsky sooner I might as well. I just need answers as I feel like my brain is going to give out along with everything else.

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Guest Belinda

yes it should be interesting. I am not getting any drugs with either test so that should help. I feel like passing out just sitting for long periods of time so hopefully I will recover from one to go to other. I don't really want to go to both but liike i said cardiac Dr. wants it done ASAP and he won't get results from Dr. Chelimsky old PCP will . I am so confused by allk these Doctors. If I don't get into Chelimsky pretty quick I may need to see someone a little bit sooner since I am on nothing to help me and my cardio. thinks SSRI'S are the way to go and I cannopt handle them very well. Sorry about the typing I can really spell jsut not type today.

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