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Massive Headaches


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Hi, does anyone wake up from a nights sleep or a nap with a MASSIVE HEADACHE?? I never got headaches before in my life and now it seems like they won't go away. Sometimes they get better if I have water but other times nothing seems to help. I make sure to stay hydrated but these headaches are becoming debilitating! What causes these? Low blood pressure??? Thanks for any input.

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All of this started for me in 2002. About 3 months ago I started waking up with massive headaches too. I took my bp one night when it had woke me up and it was 220/100. After I had sat up for a while it went down and the headache subsided. It seems that now I have low bp if I'm up and high bp when I'm down... I can't win! Dr gave me lisinopril (ACE inhibitor) 20 mg. I now know if I take it every day at 5:30 and go to bed at 10pm I can sleep (most of the time) until 5am or so.

I get migraines too, but not very frequently. Hope you find the cause, it is very miserable!

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Guest Finrussak

Supine hypertension can result from or after an episode of tachy or low BP. () the surge of chemicals when the body tries too hard to correct the lows) A 24 hr ambulatory BP cuff can take readings throughout day/night ( a bit annoying as you hear the whine of inflation every 2-3 hrs). or you could take it yourself, immediately while still lying there...auto cuffs are more convenient as are wrist ones...make sure theyre accurate tho and, if you decide to do it, try not to move around a lot before.

Also if theres a sudden contraction of blood vessels ( due to body sensing a drop in brain BP because the dysauto has dilated vessels in hands/feet) it will be headache pain. And the opposite as well...the sudden dilation of brain blood vessels in reaction to bad chemical signaling will cause a pounding pulsing headache. The coverings of the brain are very pain sensitive to pressures.

A trick a nurse in ICU told me is that if I put my hands in very warm water ( basin while sitting...dont stand by sink...can faint) for about 5 min the blood will rush into hands and counteract the vessel dilation in the head ( therefore, if it works you pretty much know where the headache came from)

this trick sometimes works for tension headaches due to stress to!!!!! Then you have to be careful of some meds whose actions are to dilate vessels.

Per Dr Grubb and my EPS cardiologist...the ACE inhibitors ( zestril, prinivil etc) can make dysauto worse, the ARBs ( Benicar, etc)are a bit better.

Ive been taken off all meds for that reason despite being able to blow 220/110 during episodes...only then will I get a tiny dose of something to prevent stroke.

Edited by Michelle Sawicki
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I often get bad headaches from low BP. Most of the time it feels like my head is constricting or imploding inward. I think it might be due to the over compensatory action by constricting blood vessels in the head that Finette posted. At least that is what it feels like to me. It's certainly not from hypertension for me. EVen after a spell of tachy while lying down, my bp might get up to 120/80 at the highest, but it's mostly just way too low all of the time. :)

I know the headaches can be so painful though and interfere with daily activities. I can't think straight when I get them, partially I think due to low cerebral oxygen flow and mostly due to the intense pain.


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Hi, everyone. I want to caution that waking up with a bad headache (of recent onset) needs to be checked out. True, it might be nothing and might can be maintained at home. But, since it is a NEW symptom get it investigated. Headaches that hit you as soon as you wake up can be a warning sign of serious problems so don't hesitate to seek medical help. Once your in the clear, the other suggestion will likely help you.

Take care,

Carmen (Ms. Headache USA)

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Carmen--why would a bad headache on waking be of particular concern? I get headaches only sometimes, but I had a really bad one suddenly that came and went the other morning while I was still in bed. It did concern me a little b/c I got very POTS-y during the episode. Then it subsided and I felt fine (as is typical for me with POTS these days).

Thanks, Katherine

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