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Hi everyone, my name is Terri and I'am a 35yo mom of two beautiful children 7and 4 yo and I'm a nurse.I recently have been having some really weird symptoms after alot of stressful events have occured in my life (first of all I was injured on the job helping to assist in lifting a patient, herniated a disk with protrusion on my sciatic nerve, very painful!! Still having problems, second my brother was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6-12 mos to live , then unexpectedly my precious sister passed away without any signs of illness, not to mention the same day we buried her my 4yo broke two bones in his leg while jumping on the trampoline and was put in a cast up to his thigh and had to be carried everywhere he went for 2 weeks. This has all happened since the end of august. I've also been going to school full time to get my BS degree in nursing and working full time, WHEW!! So needless to say the stress levels are through the roof. Then one day I just woke up DIZZY and couldn't hardly walk across the floor. I've had some dizziness every since the birth of my last and was extreme for about 6mos post partum. Never could diagnose what was wrong they blamed it on menieres disease even though the tests never really confirmed. Lately especially first thing in the morning or when I get up throughout the night to use the bathroom( which I do alot) My heart rate will go up to 160-180 bpm, just while standing for a few seconds. My b/p has always been low but after pregnancy runs about 100/60 or 90/50. I've seen a cardiologist because I also have had problems with heart skipping, fluttering, etc. I wore a cardiac event monitor which showed runs of Pat's and and some PVC'S , and PAC'S. But what also bothers me so much is the weakness I feel and wobbly legs. My left leg shakes when I stand and I just feel horrible in general. My cardiologist diagnosed me with POTS. I haven't really noticed a significant drop in B/P when standing (THANK GOD!) and I had never heard of POTS until he mentioned it . We never learned about it in nursing school. I've also been having panic attacks as a result of the heart palpitations. I tried taking anti-anxiety meds, but I am so sensitive to medications that they make me feel really spaced out even in low doses, which then makes me panic because I feel so weird. My GP says that he thought I have panic disorder due to Post Traumatic Stress. I'm really not sure what is happening , all I know is I WANT MY LIFE BACK !!!!!! Sorry to be so long winded, but does any of this sound familiar to anyone out there with POTS? If so does it get better? Please reply ASAP because mentally I'm a wreck and I have a family who is counting on me to be well.

Thank you so much for listening,

Terri Lynn

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Terri Lynn,

I am so sorry you are going through so much! Unfortunately, your symptoms sound quite familiar to many of us in the dysautonomia community. I also have two children (7 and 5) and know how much you want to be well in order to take care of your children. What treatments have you tried? Again unfortunately, it is usually a long and winding road to find out what works medically. A cardiologist familiar with POTS can be crucial to your treament. Many of us have been ill for years (some their whole lives) and some just recently became ill. Many people get better and are able to have a good quality of life. Some have had to change their lives dramatically due to the illness. Some are homebound and some have been bedbound at some point. So, the course the illness can take is quite varied. Under most circumstances, this is a friendly and informative site. There are many of us here that will be glad to answer your questions. If you don't get feedback immediately a lot of times it is often because the participants are ill so don't think we are intentionally not responding. Take care.


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First of all, I'm so sorry about all of the stressful things going on in your life.

Secondly, yes, your symptoms sound very familiar. First thing in the morning is my worst time too. When I get up, I go straight downstairs to get a big glass of water and take my beta blocker. I only take 1/2 pill (10 mg) because I have low blood pressure normally (100/60) and taking a whole pill would make it go into the 80's/50's.

I also have PVCs, PACs, and sometimes SVTs. The beta blocker helps them tremendously. I live a pretty normal life except for when it's really hot and humid out my heart rate goes pretty high. If I stay in air conditioning I'm fine. I also don't exercise - but I'm going to start soon.

Drinking lots of water and gatorade helps too. Salty snacks like pretzels.

I'm 31 with a 4 year old and almost 2 year old.

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Terri Lynn,

Just wanted to chime in and say Oh yes that sounds so much like alot of us on here. I am 29 and have a 7, 5,and 2 years olds. Being on meds has helped, and I go back for a check up on the 28th, I can't wait.

Sorry you are going through so much, but atleast you have found some great people on here.

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Guest Finrussak

Hi Terri

Its so difficult when you are "juggling chainsaws" and you cant even take the "is there stress in your life" quizzes because before youre half done your score is already way over the maximum :P

In times like these ( and we have all been there---myself I raised 3 kids nearly alone- now 22, 20 and 16...the youngest missed so far 18 mo of high school due to Lyme etc...I myself have been ill over 15 yrs, last 5 nearly bedbound/housebound...almost died 3 times in past 2 yrs alone...have a mother and sister convinced that if I WANTED to be well I would get "over" this by now...and leave no moment where they dont feel the need to tell me so...etc etc) I remember what my dear friend's ( this year we celebrate 40 years of friendship!!!!) mother would say to describe times like these:

Youre standing neck deep in a pool of vomit and someone is about to throw a pail of poop at you...DO YOU DUCK??????

While the sx DO sound like POTS you should seek a team of knowledgeable docs ( use your nursing connections) and make sure you rule out the ususal suspects: CFS,Cardiac probs, Lyme and other tick borne illnesses; Autoimmune things like Lupus and MS, endocrine issues, etc etc...a FULL workup is paramount. Many Drs like to swoop down on the set of sx familiar to them ( like cardiologists seeing arrhythmias and giving an Rx for drugs without looking further in the hopes its that simple)...Gone are the times of the old fashioned GP who saw the whole body. Take it step by step.. Also while you MAY have the POTS you can also have other dysautonomias like Orthostatic Intolerance etc...not always does the BP drop...( mine is almost always HIGHER when standing and heart rate zooms...then after a while OR if having an "episode" then the BP drops so I have a combo of OI and POTS and even an unnamed general dysautonomic dysfunction!!!!)

Try meds cautiously and slowly...most of us are extremely sensitive and require pediatric dosages or even less...and keep written track of all tests, results and reactions (good or bad) to meds...so all can help you figure out the right tx for you.

Keep us informed as you get more answers!!! Hang in...post when you need to...we will be here.

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Hi Terri, sounds very familiar to me also, Sorry you have to be here, but this is a great place to be for people like us. My diagnosis is not complete as of yet, still more tests to come. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, my children are grown. But then I am glad they are, because I am one of those whose symptoms are debilitating. I am new to this forum also, and it has helped me just knowing that there is someone out there who understands what I am going through. Hopefully when some of the stress leaves you will start feeling a little better. I know in me when I am stressed my symptoms are worse. I guess my body is wierd though, because on most mornings for a little while anyway is when I feel my best. This morning not included. I can finally have a little relief of my symptoms. So I sit at my computer and go on this forum until my eyesight makes me get off. I am sorry for the loss of your sister, and all that you are going through. I am sending you a great big (((HUG))) from me to you. Hang in there, and I'll talk to you in cyberspace again. :) Vanessa aka Mrs Glass

Hi everyone, my name is Terri and I'am a 35yo mom of two beautiful children 7and 4 yo and I'm a nurse.I recently have been having some really weird symptoms after alot of stressful events have occured in my life (first of all I was injured on the job helping to assist in lifting a patient, herniated a disk with protrusion on my sciatic nerve, very painful!! Still having problems, second my brother was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6-12 mos to live , then unexpectedly my precious sister passed away without any signs of illness, not to mention the same day we buried her my 4yo broke two bones in his leg while jumping on the trampoline and was put in a cast up to his thigh and had to be carried everywhere he went for 2 weeks. This has all happened since the end of august. I've also been going to school full time to get my BS degree in nursing and working full time, WHEW!! So needless to say the stress levels are through the roof. Then one day I just woke up DIZZY and couldn't hardly walk across the floor. I've had some dizziness every since the birth of my last and was extreme for about 6mos post partum. Never could diagnose what was wrong they blamed it on menieres disease even though the tests never really confirmed. Lately especially first thing in the morning or when I get up throughout the night to use the bathroom( which I do alot) My heart rate will go up to 160-180 bpm, just while standing for a few seconds. My b/p has always been low but after pregnancy runs about 100/60 or 90/50. I've seen a cardiologist because I also have had problems with heart skipping, fluttering, etc. I wore a cardiac event monitor which showed runs of Pat's and and some PVC'S , and PAC'S. But what also bothers me so much is the weakness I feel and wobbly legs. My left leg shakes when I stand and I just feel horrible in general. My cardiologist diagnosed me with POTS. I haven't really noticed a significant drop in B/P when standing (THANK GOD!) and I had never heard of POTS until he mentioned it . We never learned about it in nursing school. I've also been having panic attacks as a result of the heart palpitations. I tried taking anti-anxiety meds, but I am so sensitive to medications that they make me feel really spaced out even in low doses, which then makes me panic because I feel so weird. My GP says that he thought I have panic disorder due to Post Traumatic Stress. I'm really not sure what is happening , all I know is I WANT MY LIFE BACK !!!!!! Sorry to be so long winded, but does any of this sound familiar to anyone out there with POTS? If so does it get better? Please reply ASAP because mentally I'm a wreck and I have a family who is counting on me to be well.

Thank you so much for listening,

Terri Lynn

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Yes, it sounds like you belong here! I. too never learned about all of this in nursing school... And a lot of doctors don't want to take it seriously when a nurse ends up with things like this - it's so frustrating just to get someone to start a diagnosis - and doctors who are familiar with ANS problems aren't available everywhere. I was a nurse at an insurance dompany when I got sick and none of us had ever heard of this stuff!

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Hi and welcome. Sorry about all that has gone on with your family :( That certainly is a lot of stress on top of family and school. Good news is you found a Dr. who diagnosed you and hopefully this will be the start of finding what works for you to function. I take a little beta blocker which helps with the pvc and pac's as well as the runs to tachy I get. My b/p is not exceptionally low either but the beta does not seem to push it any further down, which is good.

You will find a lot of info on this site, links and in the archives. Start pushing fluids if you have not already. I find that helps with dizziness. :)

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I'm so sorry about the loss of your sister and all the stress you are going thur. Your symptoms sounds very familiar. I too am also a nurse and have 2 children (4 and 14). It's very important to find out what is really going on with you like they said in the other post..........don't let a doctor just label you. If it truly is POTS then hopefully you can find a doctor that specializes in DYSAUTONOMIA. I don't know if you have been to an ER for any symptoms but those doctors are usually the ones that want to say you are having a panic attack or such (at least that is my experience). It can be difficult to find the right doctor but don't give up looking. I wish you the best and I hope for you it is something you are experiencing that can be completely taken away. You have come to a wonderful and caring site.


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Hi and welcome,

I know there are several women on here who got POTS post-partum adn hopefully they will chime in soon. But the dizziness you experienced then may have been due to POTS. Though of course I cannot really say. I am sorry for all you have been through. From what you have listed it does seem very POTS like, I have all the symptoms you. Like the others said you need to find the right doctor and the right meds to help.

We are a good bunch and will help when we can!

Stacey :-)

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