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hello my fellow potsy pals!:)

I thought that i would share some good news with you... I called about that apartment that i am waiting to get into.. and I am #1 on the waiting list!! :) WAHOO! I'm first in line for the next handicapped apartment..! I am praying that one will open up sooner thenlater!

this makes a dizzygirl very HAPPY!!

Since the significant "other " in my life isnt so significant after all... I absolutely cannot wiat to move! and actually be able to use my wheelchair and get it in and out of the house (or apartment).. and go to the mall..YEAH!

The manager lady of the apartment building said that she cant say exactly when I will be able to move in.. that it could me next week or next month but that something should be open soon!! YIPPEE!!

It will be so nice to live by myself again.. and some what easier in a sense too.. NO stairs.. there is an elevator..and best of all I will have my peace of mind, sanity,Independence, and most important maybe I will gain some confidence back in myself!

So I thought I'd share my Happy news with you all...

Linda :):):lol::lol::PB):D:)


You go girl (literally!)! Here's to a happy, healthy move and discarding things you no longer need...




Hope you will hear soon.

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