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As is the typical thing that happens, I still feel awful but my blood work from last week came back completely normal. I don't wish to be sick, but I really wanted something quickly fixable. :)



I HATE that!!! :) And what's even better, is when it's not normal, but not abnormal enough to suit them, when maybe we need it in certain parameters to feel okay. I'm sorry Nina, I know it's frustrating. Hang in there, and hopefully you can take a break and get some down time. morganinski


I think that is one of the most annoying things about this illness. You get a worse spell and you are sure it is an extra infection you take the energy to go for the blood test and nothing!! It is like can't I just have a little bacteria(not saying your illness is little but that you wish it was a easy thing to fix) I take a little pill and then this part of this stupid illness will feel better! I am going through that now too. I sometimes wonder if our bodies are just more sensitive to an extra invasion and though the test does not show it the little buggies are lurking there and maybe an antibiotic or a flu pill would help.Also I wonder, if our immune systems don't work as well they won't flare up to fight the bug and so the bug is there and we feel awful but the test does not show it. That is the first time I ever thought of that and you know waht it makes sense huh??:) I hear you girl. Sorry and hope you are doing better!

Stacey :-)


I have this happen a lot, only mine are just a "little off" or "borderline" or there will be something "weird" with no explanation and then they just shrug it off. I have been going to my Rheumie for 5 years and he knows something is wrong and keeps waiting for the blood work to back up his beliefs. He has seen my arthritis get worse and he has seen the malar rash on my face and has seen my symptoms and such, but my bloodwork is not clearly Lupus or RA or something else, but as a great doctor who has been in practice for 30 years, he feels for sure that I have something. He has decided to tentatively diagnose and treat as if I have Lupus or RA and that is actually helping a lot, but he can't ever say it is definitive until the bloodwork says so. It is so frustrating because several other doctors are doubting this. I know this diagnosis works and will be the answer for me too and I do not want to be sick, I just want to get better. (Autoimmune disease just makes sense for my symptoms and my terrible family history for autoimmune diseases). Why can't our bodies do what we want!


I'm feeling only slightly better... not enough to say I'm back to my normal or even close. This is so frustrating.

To add insult to injury, my back is bothering me a bit more than usual too. I've been so cranky and tired.

Thanks for being here for me to not feel alone and to vent. Nina


ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. that's super frustrating about the blood work. i can definitely understand the feeling of wanting an answer - preferably nothing too drastic of course, but something that can be dealt with i hopes of helping you feel better.

i don't have any other grand words to add, but i do hope the magic answer comes sooner than later (or at least the feeling better).

B) melissa

p.s. i don't mean to offer up a pat answer that you very well may be aware of, but i know for me my back can get unhappy when i've been laying in bed more, which i'm gathering has been the case since you haven't been feeling as well. if that's the case it's not exactly a help, b/c obviously you wouldn't be laying around if you had a choice, but maybe at least an explanation? either way though it definitely stinks. hope it's feeling better soon (no chance of a kidney infection, is there?)


no kidney infection--I'm still on Ketek.

It's my neck, shoulders and arms that have really been hurting. Oh, and I forgot to add that one of the teenage kids at school accidentally stepped on my broken toe today at school and I almost passed out from the pain. It's all black & blue again. Guess I'm just having a run of tough stuff... the upturn has to be soon, yes?

Here's to hoping. B)


oooooo.....like you didn't have enough to deal with without your toe getting beat up again. geesh B)

if you find the secret passageway for the upturn you'd better let us know...i think you'll have a pack of us trailing after you (but you can go first :)...even if your toe slows you down! )

B) melissa


Amazing we can feel so crummy and all our bloodwork is normal, isn't it?

Had a nurse tell me I was 'young and healthy' the other day WHILE I was there getting IVs b/c I was so weak! Then, my usual nurse comes in and says, "Emily, you look AWFUL!' Huh??? Gotta love it.

As always, I'm thinking about you, even in my silence. And stop nursing that guilt about the GB will ya? B) I can eat tomatoes and peanut butter and fresh fruit and all sorts of stuff now! That's a good thing!

Love, Em


sorry to hear you are feeling so lousy, i can definately relate about how frustrating it when tests come back normal, and you are feeling so bad, you want answers and want to feel validated, thinking of you and hoping you get some relief



Man Nina,

When it rains it pours. Your post about the toe made me cringe just reading it!

I hate the "normal blood work news." It makes me want to cry. Then i feel guilty for crying over good blood work. You all know the drill. Just want to find something to fix.

I'm still hoping for a ray of light at the end of your long tunnel!!!



Nina, I definately can understand and relate to your frustration with the blood work. My doctor has been doing blood work for a multitude of things. For awhile i was havin it drawn a couple times a week. They draw it everytime I go in. The last time he thought that maybe i had some other illness that would explain this illness and if that is what i had he said it would be treatable with injections. But nope negative. Most are always negative. Then there was the blood draw in the ER, they said something was elevated indicating that i had a pulmonary embolism, but then they did a scan and no embolism. God was with me for that one. The doctor was dumbfounded that one test could be positive and the other negative. Of course I told him what was wrong with me when i was brought in with severe tachycardia and a seizure, but he looked at me like i knew nothing. In the end I was right...I had severe tachycardia and a seizure due to an adverse reaction from a medication. Anyway, I have been through that situation many times...hoping for answers and something more treatable...but negative. And then I get to a point I am just plain tired of the bloodwork.


Sorry to hear, I hope your body picks up soon and you start to feel better. (or as better as possible)

Oh stupid bloodwork. I know people always say you should be happy that you dont have many of the diseases or disorders they test for, however that doesnt change the fact that you still feel so sick.

They thought i had something semi fixable a few months back ... tests came up positive .. they did them again and they came up negative so i was back to square one. I cried for days as i really wanted one of those treatable/manageable diseases (like most of the people on here want)

The dr blamed the lab ..... i blame my body heh ....

Does anyone else experience random changes of positive and negative results?


Sorry that you are having even more yuckiness!! Go step on that students toe with your mighty mouse power! :P

Amazing we have all been through this huh? Jim said one day 10 years from now (hopefully sooner) they will find out the exact cause and a test and then ALL the docotrs will say oh they really were sick!! :-)

Hope today is better and upswing is on the way(though you might have all of us hanging on to your golf club hahahahah sorry bad joke):)

Thinking of you!

Stacey :-)

Guest Finrussak

sorry about your feeling so crummy...may I suggest it can be a viral thing that just isnt showing up on bloods...been there done that...and even a change of weather or seasons??? I know 2 dear friedns who come down with the oddest unexplainable stuff despite having normal tests...that again as unexpectedly disappear once a weather change moves thru OR once the seasons go full.

Plus as a group we are so darn sensitive yet so good at our bodies trying to compensate that it can very well be something your body is fighting under the radar...times like these I trun to alternative meds...homeopathic stuff per symptoms and accupuncture or mediatation etc...hope you r feeling better soon

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