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Dysautonomia and PVCs


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Hey Everyone-

     I had a quick question. I have had palpitations for about a year, as is common with Dysautonomia. At the beginning of the year I had an EKG and a Holter monitor done, just to make sure that nothing was seriously wrong. My doctor diagnosed me with Premature Ventricular Contractions, but said that it was fairly normal and didn't think much of it. My Holter monitor results said that I had 1164 premature beats in 24 hours, which seemed like a lot to me but I guess wasn't a big deal. I was just wondering if any of you have specific diagnoses for your palpitations? I feel like they don't happen in specific patterns they just happen and it feels weird. It isn't my chief complaint but I was just wondering if any of you have been diagnosed with the same thing and how you manage it.

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My 24 hour holter monitor showed 22,000 PVC’s and PAC’s.  My cardiologist said that they weren’t in themselves dangerous, but I insisted that we try and treat them. After several months trying different medications and discussions about an ablation we tried Propafenone. 
It all but cured the ectopic beats, a no more than 1-2 an hour.

Hope you find a solution, it’s a real pain living with the etopic beats!

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@Knellie - I too used to get tons of PVC's and PAC's as well as tachycardia. Since Carvelidol and Cardizem therapy I no longer have them, and the tachycardia is controlled as well. I take other POTS meds as well as IV fluids, it seems to be the combination that works, not any one med in particular ( although the beta blocker and calcium channel blocker seem to do the trick with palpitations ). 

@RecipeForDisaster - the PAC's and PVC's for POTS patients usually are caused by the ANS dysfunction, as well as the tachycardia ( obviously ). It is the sympathetic NS that makes the heart so irritable. 

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I bet the Diltiazem helps! I started out on 30 mg 2xday and gradually increased to the extended release 240 mg. In the summer I go down to 180 mg b/c the heat causes my BP to drop. 

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