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Pressure in chest neck and head when stand up


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I am wondering if anyone else experiences this. When I stand from sitting (mostly, though it has been happening with just position changes also) after a minute or 2 I get a squeezing pressure that starts in my chest and creeps up to my neck and then my head. It feels like an intense crushing that pulses with my heartbeat. It can cause me to double over until it passes.  I have seen a rare post on boards of others with similar symptoms but they are always like 10 year old posts  

I have had 2 tilt tables. Both show my bp drops drastically. I have had qsart and cardiac autonomic test which are pending. 

Just curious if anyone else has this and what they are told it is. I also have a meningioma so kind of trying to see if more autonomic problem or meningioma symptom. 


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@Knj822 - I experience something similar to what you describe whenever my BP is either too low or too high. I was told that in POTS chest pain can occur when the circulation around the heart changes ( which would be the case when your BP drops ). I also have Prinzmetal angina - chest pain caused by sudden and severe spasms of the coronary arteries, same mechanism as Raynaud's syndrome, which I also have. I too get the radiating pressure up my neck when this happens. 

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Hi, I get discomfort and weakness in my neck, upper  arms, and jaw when my circulation is stressed. This has sometimes been more prominent than actual dizziness, so I am also curious how many others experience this. I wonder if it is part of chronic difficulty oxygenating the "top third"... 

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I also felt discomfort and pain in my neck and back, and I started drinking a lot of coffee. At first I bought a massage course, and I really liked it. It worked so well, that I even decided to have a massage chair. I would really recommend you to have the one, because it is so relaxing and helpful. I bought one on Amazon choosing from this list. I also tried new pillows and a new mattress recently- they are really great for sleep, and I am no longer feel pain- sharing the article with you. 

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