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Some good news

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A while back I may have wrote about my coat hanger pain. We things got worse and worse and my normally painless vestibular migraine turned into very painful migraines. So bad I was throwing up. 

I ended up seeing my old doctor because the ER notified them I was in. He had me come in and I told him that my head had been aching for a while and my arms were going numb. I thought I had a punched nerve or nerves in my neck because my arms kept going numb. 

On a whim he started me in Gabapentin.  And holy crap what a difference it has made. My occipital neuralgia is gone. Vestibular migraine manageable. I have started sweating again and my hair has stopped falling out. 

My coat hanger pain is way better and I have not had near as much OI. 

My memory and attention are considerably better and I have not had derealization or my alice in the wonderland episodes but maybe 3 times in the last month. 

I can't explain why this drug has worked so well but it has. 


Edit: I did post about starting this medication a month ago. 


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I was on this for 5 years and recently discovered it was raising my BP to super high levels for the last 3. I started it for neuropathic pain in my abdominal area (felt like the worst GERD ever) and that’s gone so I tapered off over 5 months. Perhaps it’s raising your BP just enough to ease the OH? It never did anything for my coat hanger pain. I am glad that it’s helping you, just keep an eye on your BP.

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