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Dear community!

I am not diagnosed with dysautonomia, but I am having very weird nerve sensations and hypersensitivities and am a bit at a loss, so are my doctors, so maybe someone has an idea.

I seem to have developed, after years of Burning Mouth Syndrom (which is a neuropathy), after a thyroidectomy, and also some hormonal ****-ups, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. However, I have the issue that the treatments in the form of enzymes are not working so far, because my nervous system seems to react in a way that my gut is very fast.

This is also related to a general feeling of being wired all the time, like being stuck in a fight or flight setting. I have constant nerve sensations in my gut, anus, throat, mouth, so to say.

My catecholamines were tested and only my adrenaline and noradrenaline were low (beyond the normal range). I've read that this can be because of depression, or also neuropathy... hmmm. And ADHS, which I certainly do not have.

(Some side-symptoms: Other than that I react very very sensitive to all forms of serotonin medication. I have rather low blood pressure, independent from how trained I am, but nothing that would worry doctors. I get some temperature confusion on my palms and feet when I am too hot, like an allergy against my own sweat. With my thyroid my ft3 is on the lower side, but I cannot deal with T3 due to nervouseness. No autoimmune diseases have been found.)

My mornings are particularly hard, because I feel the nerves in my digestive system, which in my case are also related to my mood.

I know that I have read somewhere here that people with dysautonomia often also consider themselves night-owls.

I also know that the pancreas has hormonal and nervous system relations... and to me it feels like the reason this is all off, since my CTs etc. are all fine, could also have to do with nerves.

I know that dysautonomia people sometimes have gastro issues as well.

I am hoping to find someone out there that has a similar issue:

*) nerves over-active due to some underlying disease, resulting in a constant fight or flight mode (and I mean constantly). This limits me severely, and leads to a lot of muscle tension in all gastro areas, from eyes over mouth to belly to anus!

*) morning issues and insomnia (I cannot even describe the nervousness I feel in the morning - it is independent from my actual identity and mood and I do not have any nightmares or real sorrows, but this situation of course is very depressing).

*) my depression phases fluctuate - they come like waves and they are probably just stronger anxiety

*) feeling of general exhaustion because of overactivity of nerves in whole gastro system (from mouth to stomach and intestines).

I have tried SSRIs and mirtazapine which were a disaster. Doc wants me to try trazodone.

Maybe someone recognizes something similar. There are so many clever people on here. Maybe there is an option I have not considered yet, or maybe you people who know a lot about nerves have some ideas to calm them (mind you, I have tried all nutrition and mindfulness options though. It really feels like a dysbalance in my body, a chemical imbalance that my mind has to follow... and it did like that all the time). That does not mean it does not make it anxious of course.

Any ideas where I could further look and what else I could try?

Many cheers for reading that far.

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