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Does anybody get left arm pain? Of course I keep reading it can be related to the heart so my anxiety is starting to rear it's ugly head. I have had it on and off for a little of a year. It started when I was pregnant with my last daughter. The first time I had chest pain along with it. That first time and many times since I have had many ER and doctor visits. Aside from an occasional abnormal EKG that the doctors seem to think is no big deal, nothing has come up. Even if I were assured it wasn't my heart, it still really hurts and of course I'd like to know what is going on. Idk how to describe it. Deep ache maybe? Idk. It is upper inner arm. Seems beneath the bicep before the tricep but I'm not entirely sure. Any experience, advice, or anything else you have to offer would be appreciated. Thank you.

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@potsiebarbie - the first thing to say with this kind of pain is to go to the ER. Left arm pain can be a sign of a heart attack, especially in women who often experience " silent ' heart attacks. however - since you had this for a while and had unremarkable EKG's it may not be that. It could be related to the muscle but I would definitely bring it up to your doctor. 

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As @Pistol said, definitely ensure with your doctor or specialist that your heart is functioning fine (sounds like it is fine from your ECGs) 

I have left arm pain frequently, as well as "underarm pain", is the best way I can describe it. At times it can be severe, and I have gone to ER for it, always to find that my heart is doing fine, no signs of heart stress. 

So, it's tricky sometimes, because if I went to ER every single time I had arm pain, I'd be there most days, to be honest. It's just not feasible. So, my advice is:

a) Ensure your heart is fine, to get that complete peace of mind. 

b) Always go to ER if you have pain that is worse than usual or feels odd / off. 

I've gotten used to what is my "normal" in terms of that pain, but anything that feels different or more intense, I absolutely go to the hospital. It's always better to be safe! 

Well wishes! 


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Ditto to everyone's advice above. If you get to the point of ruling out your heart as an issue, I recommend finding a good physical therapist or massage therapist. I personally get a lot of pain, presumably from being super hyper mobile and most likely EDS, and my muscles act up in strange ways. It doesn't always feel like muscle pain but it's all related, for me at least. I get rib/chest pains, and arm pain, pains around my spine, neck, and even jaw. All of it usually goes away if with a good work up by PT and then get my exercise regimine to the point where I'm strong, sticking to my Levine protocol as best I can for cardio AND strength training. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do, all while keeping track of symptoms, but it really has helped my pain overall. Once I stop working out it's like my whole body starts to fall apart, literally. 

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