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Hyper pots treatments.


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@Outaker - I am sorry you have hyperPOTS. It stinks!!! --- Treatment options are highly individual and it depends on your BP as well as what symptoms you have. In my case I take this: 

- Carvelidol ( beta blocker ) for tachycardia and PVC's

- Diltiazem ( calcium channel blocker ) for hypertension 

- Guanfacine for hypertension and brain fog ( often prescribed for ADD )

- Ritalin ( methylphenidate ) for fatigue and brain fog - I was supposed to take Modafinil but my insurance would not cover that.

- Lexapro ( SSRI ) to help with neurotransmitter regulation

- weekly infusions of 1 l LR over 8 hours, more if needed for flares ( this has been the single most effective treatment for me, HR and BP are mostly normal and PVC's gone, no more syncopal episodes or autonomic seizures unless in a flare!!!! )

I also take B12 and Vit D supplements as well as iron since I was deficient in all of those ( very common in POTS - I would ask to have your levels checked ) as well as meds to help with GI issues from dysautonomia. 

Other very important steps I take are mild exercise ( I use a rowing machine ), hydration and salt, frequent REST PERIODS ( very important! ), avoiding overstimulation, avoiding long periods of walking/ standing ( well - this is more out of necessity in my case ), avoiding large high-carb meals - I eat 6 small meals or snacks a day - and avoiding hot or cold temperatures. Many people also add compression stockings to this list but in my case I cannot tolerate them because I have Raynauds syndrome due to excessive vasoconstriction from POTS. 

Coming up with this extensive list of treatments was a labor of love by my autonomic specialist, cardiologist and PCP - and it took 10 years to find what helps. I tried many, many other meds over the years but they either did not help me or I could not tolerate them. So - just because something is not on MY list does not mean it may not work for you. 

What - if anything - have you taken so far?

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