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Morning Urine Concentrated Foamy Bubbles Dark

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Has anyone noticed that they pass very concentrated urine in the morning and have you found ways to really help this as I think it is making me worse. The urine is quite dark and sometimes looks a bit foamy or bubbly. It clears after I get up and start drinking, and becomes clear afterwards all day as I drink a lot, so I think it is due to excessive overnight dehydration. Do you drink through the night or not and does this help if you do? Mornings are so hard with the low blood pressure and getting going is not an easy task. I am torn between drinking during the night and risking even more interrupted sleep from bathroom trips!

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It’s very normal to have concentrated urine first thing in the morning because, as you said, the body is more dehydrated due to us not intaking fluids while we sleep. The foaming or bubbling however may indicate a minor infection like a UTI, so when in doubt you could always ask your doctor about getting a quick test done. 

If your sleep is already so interrupted I personally wouldn’t make that worse by adding in extra trips to the bathroom! 

If you’re worried, chat with your doctor. Best wishes!

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I don't concentrate my urine due to lack of fluid retaining hormones so have the opposite problem. In a way it is good that your body is able to concentrate it overnight when you are not taking in fluids. My morning urine only has any colour if I've taken desmopressin. 

Dark urine usually indicates inadequate hydration, so it may be worth keeping some water/electrolyte containing drink beside your bed and chugging some as soon as you wake up.

If it looks foamy though I would get it checked to exclude a UTI. 

Just to clarify, are you waking up during the night to pee as well? If you are able to concentrate but going frequently, that could signify a bladder problem. 

B xxx

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