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Probably coincidental. There would have to be studies. If there was correlation, why? Then it might justify those that think it's in the head and I mean psychological. If our thoughts brought this on, that's sad. 

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I have OCD tendencies, yet usually my anxiety maxes out before I can get too involved in an ocd behavior, so I give up. 

I've read that the strongest risk factor for OCD is having a close relationship with someone who suffers from it, and at a young age (so potentially both genetics and environment). There is also a chemical component and physical/structural differences in the brain. Nothing that really overlapped with autonomic stuff necessarily. 

I think my tendencies come from growing up with a dad and sister who deal with OCD. Interestingly, that sister also has had POTS symptoms for years that have improved and were never diagnosed. So who knows if it could be connected. It's my mom where the POTS/EDS comes from in our family. 

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A friend of mine described OCD as a type of anxiety. Something bothers you until have have to do it or you are anxious because something was done. She also said that is why the more stress and anxiety you have in other areas of your life the worse the OCD gets. I thought it was a good explanation for my symptoms to not be overwhelming all the time. 

An example is my teenage boys put away my dishes and groceries. They never put it in the right spot. About once a month (or sooner in the case of my silverware drawer) I freak and rearrange my whole kitchen the way it is supposed to be. 

And IF it is related to anxiety it would make sense that our anxiety like reactions could make it worse? 

I may have to bring it up to my therapist. Maybe she has seen a correlation or may want to do a study on it. 

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I have severe full blown OCD. What helped is my psychiatrist did some genetic testing and found I have an MTHFR mutation/deficiency and I was put on L-methyl folate, at 1mg my ocd reduced by 75%, so it's definitely something biological. I tried everything including: ketamine,and TMS, and all meds, nothing helped until this methyl folate but it's causing me really bad insomnia. I'm going to talk to a doctor today that understands this and see what she thinks. I also did CBT, ERP, the erp is supposed to solved everything and it never helped just caused a  lot of frustration. So for me it's something biological, it hit when everything else hit me at the same time when I was a teenager, all connected somehow. I also suffered from eating disorders for years, both ocd and ed's originate from the basal ganglia region of the brain, I'm still left puzzled but i'm doing better just not sleeping. Gotta get help with this. BTW my psychiatrist is not a quack he's been testing for this for awhile and has seen a lot of help, usually he prescribes Deplin.  OCD is quite different than GAD, OCD is torture and misery and manipulation of the mind, there is no way to describe it, I even get delusional thoughts with it, it's just torture. 

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10 hours ago, JimL said:

I know there are co-morbidities with certain developmental and other disorders, like Tourettes, ADHD, ADD, Autism, OCD, ODD, etc. Often people will them in pairs.

True. My little cousin has very severe autism and she has ocd. The weird thing with me is I had eating disorders for years (very traumatic) then one day it switched to ocd. Very odd. 

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Ocd here...start CBT Monday. It's separate from the pots. But my ocd is intrusive thoughts. 

My ocd isn't to bad if I'm not in a health flare.. then the what ifs start in..and omg ill be like this and this sick forever. 


I'm getting better at remaining positive.. understanding the thoughts are just a thought not a fact and that stress makes me worse so my best bet is to relax. 

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