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Osteopathic Manipulation


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Well, I went to see the D.O at the hospital where I work and she spent 45 minutes doing some Osteopathic Manipulation. It was very odd and man was I sore after. She wants to try three appointments before we decide if it is worth pursuing. when she was working on my back where the Sympathetic nerves come out, she kept saying things like, "strange." And " wow that is so interesting". She said my back got super hot and just that one spot got really sweaty. When I got up,  I felt my back there and it was still super hot!  I felt super gross yesterday, but today my heart rate has been better and no dizziness or headache! We will see what happens.  Eternally optimistic!

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@MeganMN not to sound like your doctor, but ‘that is so interesting!’

I’d love to hear how this progresses - do you keep getting improvements? Do they last? Does it flare anything for you? 

From a mechanistic view, the body is one big stimulus-response machine.  Our brain hangs out in a dark closet (the skull) and never sees or hears or touches anything. It only knows what is going on because it has input devices that translate signals so it can understand. So it makes sense that body manipulations (osteopathy, chiro, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy etc) can make a positive impact. 

Please keep us updated!

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