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Someone please help me I can't find any  doctors in Colorado that knows about pots . the only ones I  I found so far don't take my insurance or any insurance and it's a $2,000  Co pay . I have checked the doctors on this site and they all don't take my insurance. things get so bad on my period  (which I am due to start soon )I feel really depressed.  I just really need something to work out I can't   diagnose myself  or get myself medication so if you have a doctor in Colorado that treats your pots please  tell me!

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@gossamer4448 - in my case I used to have insurance that would not cover out-of-state specialists, but since there is no one that is specialized in dysautonomia in my state they allowed me to go out-of-state and covered the visits b/c there was no one on their plan. Some times insurances will add doctors to their net work. Call the insurance and ask for a case manager, they can help you finding a proper specialist or may add someone out-of-network. 

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Finding a doctor to treat my son's POTS was an uphill struggle. A particular low point was an appointment he had with an electrophysiogist in Denver.  We had to wait months for the appointment and Denver for us is quite a distance to travel. Traveling to Denver our flight was delayed due to weather. When they finally called us to board the plane my son passed out as soon as he stood up. Thankfully he soon regained consciousness and we were able to make it onto the plane and somehow we made it to the appointment on time, but it was a long stressful day of travel. The appointment unfortunately was a complete waste of time. The doctor said because my son had a clean echo nothing was wrong with him and recommended he see a psychiatrist. It was incredibly frustrating to wait so long and travel such a great distance to see such a cold, arrogant, and dismissive doctor. That is one of many frustrating doctors stories I could share, but the good news is my son is doing so much better today. It took trial and error, but eventually we found the right doctor to manage my son's POTS treatment. Many doctors didn't learn about dysautonomia in medical school, the key is finding a doctor who is a good listener and will take the time to educate themselves beyond the limited information they may have learned  many years ago when little was known about dysautonomia. Don't loose hope there are good doctors out there who can help you better manage this : )

Look for a PM from me with a link to list of doctors, I hope it will help you in finding a doctor to help you manage this! 


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@Colomom - ARRGGHHH!!! Tis makes me so mad b/c I also have been there. I cannot even IMAGINE having to deal with docs like that when it comes to my child. I have endured many ignorant docs but at least it was about me ( and I can handle that ). But if the same would happen to my child - I do not know how I would handle that. I am happy that you have found a "human" physician and wish the best for your son. Be well!!!!!!

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