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Flares during the night? Or is it something else?


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Hi all.

For a number of years I've been woken in the middle of sleep from night sweats, chest pains, palpitations, and/or having to urinate ASAP... I was exposed to someone with TB a while back and was tested for that, but it came back negative. However, most recently in the last year, I've been woken by coughing fits, choking and gagging episodes. It's extremely unsettling and will sometimes result in me throwing up.

Anyone that suffers from GERD or sleep apnea, do you think maybe this is something I should consider as a possibility? Or are these just flares (I have hyperPOTS) that seem to be getting worse? 

Thanks in advance for any input!

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13 hours ago, jklass44 said:

Hi all.

For a number of years I've been woken in the middle of sleep from night sweats, chest pains, palpitations, and/or having to urinate ASAP... I was exposed to someone with TB a while back and was tested for that, but it came back negative. However, most recently in the last year, I've been woken by coughing fits, choking and gagging episodes. It's extremely unsettling and will sometimes result in me throwing up.

Anyone that suffers from GERD or sleep apnea, do you think maybe this is something I should consider as a possibility? Or are these just flares (I have hyperPOTS) that seem to be getting worse? 

Thanks in advance for any input!

Definitely go get a sleep apnea test done. I've been so tired for years. My wife would get mad at me a lot for always being exhausted. Not wanting to do much after work or do anything on the weekends. I didn't test positive for sleep apnea but we discovered my heart beats extremely fast upon standing which is causing my exhaustion. I stood and walked all day long. I've talked to a couple people with sleep apnea and after getting the machine to sleep at night, they feel a whole lot better. At least get the test done to rule it out.

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I have GERD and - thankfully - do not suffer from these night-time episodes that you describe. But my F-I-L has those EXACT symptoms. He chokes and coughs like that even in the daytime if he eats or drinks a trigger-food. Red Wine/ spicy foods/ herb tea etc … they will all send him into a terrible coughing fit. I also have a friend who was treated for asthma for her coughing and it ended up being GERD. Proper treatment of her heartburn resolved the coughing and gagging spells. 

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@StayAtHomeMom @Derek1987 Yeah I probably should get a sleep study done. I can't really see myself being able to sleep with the CPAP machine though, if that were the case. But hey if some people say it works then...

@WinterSown During the event I unfortunately just have to let it pass - sometimes that entails vomiting from coughing so much, in which case it stops the fits. Other times sleeping with my head up helps me breath better, but that hasn't been a permanent fix. If you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them!

@Pistol I've wondered if it's food related, but these episodes only occur at night time during sleep and I'm careful about what I eat/drink in the evenings. I also wake up, episode or not, with an extremely dry mouth which makes me think I sleep with my mouth open. Is that something GERD would cause though?

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19 minutes ago, jklass44 said:

@StayAtHomeMom @Derek1987 Yeah I probably should get a sleep study done. I can't really see myself being able to sleep with the CPAP machine though, if that were the case. But hey if some people say it works then...

@WinterSown During the event I unfortunately just have to let it pass - sometimes that entails vomiting from coughing so much, in which case it stops the fits. Other times sleeping with my head up helps me breath better, but that hasn't been a permanent fix. If you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them!

@Pistol I've wondered if it's food related, but these episodes only occur at night time during sleep and I'm careful about what I eat/drink in the evenings. I also wake up, episode or not, with an extremely dry mouth which makes me think I sleep with my mouth open. Is that something GERD would cause though?

You don't always need a cpap. Sometimes there is a bite block thing you can use. Also there are different types of masks. Honestly if you have sleep apnea bad enough you will want that cpap. Also my sister in law got her adenoids and tonsils taken out and it got rid of her sleep apnea. 

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