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Hello dear all, I have a question: I am wondering if I should stop the Propranolol and the Antihistamines prior to a catecholamines test (laying down and standing). What has been your experience?

My dr. said I didn’t have to be off the meds but it seems to me that these meds do affect the catecholamin levels and I would really like for it to be accurate. 



Hi Pistol, thank you for replying. My doctor didn’t seem familiar with adrenaline surges and gave me the option either way. I will be off meds next week for a couple of days for a formal TTT. I can wait to have the catecholamines done then or I can do it now with the meds on...

What has been your experience?


Is the objective not to get the catecholamines done at the same time as your TTT so that levels can be drawn supine and upright? That is what I am waiting to get done. 

Regarding meds affecting results, antihistamines will not, but beta blockers used chronically tend to lead to elevated catecholamines (as the body tries to overcome the receptor blockade). 

I am not sure how long you would need to be off the beta blocker for your levels to revert back to your own personal "normal", but maybe this is something you could search relevant research articles on online if you want the test to be the most accurate reflection of your physiology. I suspect it may be longer than the period for the drug to simply be out of your body. 

Best wishes,

B x


@Caty - they did my catecholamines while I was on meds, I did not have to stop them ( if I did I would have been in the ER before they could complete the upright part!) 


I did a urine catacholmine test and I was off my meds due to my TTT. I am not sure if the meds would mess with my numbers so I played it safe and didn't take them since I was off of them anyway. Just make sure you try to have a normal day as much as possible. If you don't do any standing while during the urine catch I figure that it would skew the results. 

I would speak to the doctor or the lab and see what they say. 


Thank you so much for your thoughts and ideas.

How much I want to understand all the physiology... we have the best incentive right? But then I also feel it takes a toll on me to read so much and try to have all the answers (impossible). But we need to become our best advocates! ...it’s a difficult balance.

My prayers for all of you ❤️

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