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Florinef and High Blood Pressure?


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Hi everyone,

I was just diagnosed with Dysautonomia, and I am awaiting further testing to determine which type I specifically have.  

I have high blood pressure, and my cardiologist prescribed Florinef. I'm a bit nervous to start taking it, as I already have high blood pressure. I also take 50mg of Metoprolol to help control my blood pressure. 


Has anyone with high blood pressure ever taken Florinef? What was your experience? I'm on .1mg to start. 

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Do you have POTS or another form of dysautoomia? Which symptoms bother you the most?  If you have high blood pressure and dysautoomia, most doctors would not start off with florinef because there are so many other treatments that don't increase blood pressure.    It's interesting that you already take Metoprolol, a beta blocker, which is one of the prescribed treatments for POTS.  It generally helps with high HR and high BP.

I can understand why you might be uncomfortable.  I don't have high BP but many others here do.  You might want to talk to them and hear what mediation they take and do some research about treatments.  You can also search on this forum where there are lots of posts about POTS and high BP. Then you could  make another appointment with your doctor to talk through your options before you start taking the florinef.  Good luck!


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You have to have your cardiologist determine why your BP is high. If it is from vasoconstriction then florinef will make it worse. I have hyperPOTS and Metoprolol did not help because my high HR and BP was caused by vasoconstriction. If you have blood pooling or red/blue feet than you might be suffering from vasodilation ( low BP ). If you frequently experience cold hands and feet than you probably suffer from vasoconstriction ( this also often causes high BP ). I myself would question the cardiologist on why he prescribes the florinef with high BP before I would take it. 

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I'm hypovolaemic, vasoconstricted, and BP tends to run normal/high. I couldn't tolerate florinef - increased vasoconstriction and BP also killer headaches and palpitations (probably from potassium dropping). 

Vasoconstriction can be a physiological response to low volume (which I suspect to be the case with me), and in theory florinef looked a good fit for me as I produce no renin or aldosterone, but it basically has 2 actions - one to retain salt and water (good if you have low blood volume) AND enhanced vasoconstriction (bad if you are already vasoconstricted and high BP). Unfortunately the latter effect was more prominent in me.

Not everyone is the same though and your doctor may be able to explain the rationale for this prescription for you. Also, some people combine florinef with a vasodilator like clonidine so there may be options for you to mitigate this side effect if it does have positive benefits for you. 

B x


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