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NCS, pregnancy, and midodrine use

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Has anyone here taken midodrine while pregnant? I'm a 28 year old woman with NCS who is starting to think about family planning but I take 20-30mg of midodrine in order to do my job as a registered nurse (12 hour shifts on my feet). I tried working without midodrine a couple of years ago, made it through a couple of shifts and then passed out and hit my head while admitting a patient 😔 So I really don't think I can discontinue use, and taking a year off work isn't a viable option.

Of course I'll be making appointments with my cardiologist and probably a maternal fetal medicine doc before going off birth control, but I'd love to hear from anyone who has experienced this personally. In the past when I've brought up pregnancy and midodrine at appointments the doc's response has been "Hmm... we'll cross that bridge when we get there." 🙄 I just want a baby with my husband!

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Welcome Huskydogmom - I am not sure about the midodrime but I would definitely check with your doctor and your OB-GYN about the options first. I also was a RN working 12 hour shifts! I did not have acute POTS when I was pregnant so I did not need to take anything. Many members on this forum have went through pregnancy while having POTS and have different experiences - some did well and others did not. I am sure they will reply to your post. --- Being pro-active is always the best thing, so you can be prepared to have a pleasant and safe pregnancy. Best of luck to you and your husband!!!

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Guest KiminOrlando

I think you may need to find an OB that specializes in high risk, not that you are necessarily high risk, but they deal with complicated- and complicated is our middle name.

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@Pistol Thanks for the reply and well wishes! Staff nursing is tough even without nonsense like NCS, then to add that on top of it 😣 I was close to being kicked out of nursing school (kept passing out during clinicals) but then I was finally prescribed midodrine and it saved my career. I've asked previous cardiologists about pregnancy and meds and no one has wanted to give me advice, as I wasn't actively planning on conceiving at that time. I'm anticipating them just telling me I either need to find a way to live without meds or don't get pregnant, more to cover their butts than out of any experience or research, so I was just hoping to hear some positive anecdotes here.


@KiminOrlando and @MomtoGiuliana When I said "maternal fetal medicine doc" I meant high risk OB 😊 I actually work on a high risk pregnancy unit so I accidentally reverted to calling them that. I've worked with lots of high risk OBs and asked if they have experience with any of the meds that might keep me functional and they haven't 😣 so I was just wondering if anyone here had experience with a doc who had. Here's to hoping I can find a good one.

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Guest KiminOrlando

Good. All I can tell you is that I used to have an excellent OB that knew a little about it. She told me for my case I would likely have to be on bed rest the moment I found out I was pregnant. I never had children, so I never went through it. 

Have you talked to your pharmacist about pregnancy and your meds? Sometimes they can be a good resource. 

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